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54 squad room

Biaz and Reagan sat at their desk when Lt Janko put a file in front of them.
"This just came in, it's yours because you are my best detectives."
"Thanks, boss" Danny said opening the file.

Name: Isibeal Cecilia Larissa MacGuire
DOB: 29 February 1964
Reported missing: Armin Janko. fight about the baby 15th April 1990
Other information updated: 
The last known day to be alive 15th June 1990. Abandoned infant in the hospital. Infants name Edit Marie Isibeal Janko.

"Boss, Eddie's mom is our new case"
"I got word from an old buddy who found out that in July 1990 Isibeal was in Manhattan"
"I take it missing person's never found her"

just then Biaz's phone rang
"We have 3 fresh bodies on John Finley walk just entering the Andrew Haswell green dog park"
"Do you know what we have?"
"1 male and 2 females"
"On our way".

Danny looked at Maria "What?"
"We have 3 DOA at Andrew Haswell dog park, I guess we were up next."

Maria slowly got up and grabbed her jacket, Danny followed suit grabbing his keys, and escorted her to the car.

The Scene

when they reached the crime scene Danny notice 2 plain-clothed officers and an army uniform.

"I can't leave you for 24 hours," Danny said out loud.
Lt Benson and Charlie turned around to see Danny and maria standing there.

"Coincidence big brother. Maria, it's good to see you. This is Lt Olivia Benson from the 1-6 and detective Joseph Hill of the firearms unit. Joe's card was on one of the victims."

"I guess this is a joint case between the 1-6 & 5-4. blue family" Charlie said
Just then a uni walked over, "Detectives, Lt we have hit on the two females."
"What we got officer?" Lt Benson said
"Older woman is a 56-year-old Isibeal MacGuire and the young one is an Elizabeth Stabler"
"Lizzie. any sign of a baby out there?" Joe asked.
"Not that I can see"
"Put all hospitals on the watch for an abandoned baby."
"Looks like this is a murder case. Danny, can I ask you who the older woman is?" Charlie said

"Eddie's birth mom"
"you mean the bitch who abandoned her when she was 4 hours old. the woman who choose drugs over her own daughter and stepsons"

Lt Benson spoke" Sounds like you know both victims via family Charlotte"
"Olivia I do. Eddie is my best friend, Stix's baby sister, and my brother Jamie's Girlfriend and you know my history with Lizzie"
"Captain I think you've stunned your brother," Joe said.

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