Chapter 1: Love That Misses Confidence

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Hey Everyone! This is my 2nd fanfic on this account and I really like it! It's been fun to write so far! Also, the pic on the right is of Ella!!! I think you'll like it, too though! It's got an interesting twist! Anyway, ENJOY! (:

- Chloe

Chapter 1: Love That Misses Confidence

"Liam! Come on! Seriously! I wanna go, please!" Ella pleaded Liam, while Liam sat on the couch watching morning cartoons.

"Ellie, you know I'd love to, but you're too young to go to a pub, especially in Borough can't I just take you to the London Eye or something for your birthday?"

"But Liam, The Royal Oak seems so... So... Wicked! There ya go! Wicked, it seems really wicked! Plus, I'm 17 TODAY and you know what people say, ya gotta 'live while you're young' ya know," Ella said in her deep British accent. Liam just chuckled and patted the seat right beside him, motioning that Ella should come and sit.

See Ella didn't exactly have an ordinary life, no, she lived with a boy named Liam Payne. Let me explain, well, her parents had left her with the Paynes when she was just a wee child, about four actually, and when she went to live with them she had an imediate connection with Liam who at the time was five and a half. The two never treated each other like siblings though, cause they really weren't. Liam's parents didn't even adopt Ella because they saw no purpose in it. What if her parents came back for her anyway? They just saw it as a mess to deal with, so Ella lived with the Paynes as if she was visiting, even though visiting was an understatement... Ella would be living with them for the rest of her childhood-teen years. Just last year, though, when Liam turned eight-teen, he decided to buy his own house, which he did and invited Ellie to come and live with him... Which of course she said yes to! To be honest, Ella had always had a little crush on Liam anyway and just to add, they were best friends!

Liam and Ella had became fast friends when she moved in and when Liam first set his eyes on the brunette beauty he knew he was in love, even if he was just five and a half. Ellie, as he called her, was his first true love and it had always been that way! Even to this day! He was truly, madly, deeply in love with Ella Hughes.

Today though, Ella really wanted to "live" since it was her birthday and she knew Liam usually gave into her. All she had to do was be a bit flirtatious and Liam would be puddy in her hands. She didn't want to take advantage of Liam though, she liked him too much.

After a few minutes of making Liam wait and seeing he was becoming impatient she went over and sat next to him. Liam proceeded to rap his arm around her waist and moved her closer into him. He then gave her one of his famous, million dollar grins while she just looked down at her hands and blushed. See, these two acted exactly as if they were a couple and many wondered why they weren't together yet. It was just that both the two were too shy to ask the other... They knew they liked each other, but both lacked a lot of confidence.

After a few minutes of admiring Ella, Liam kissed her on the cheek, gave her a quick hug than began chatting her up again.

"Ellie, you do know I'd like to take you, but do you know how much trouble I'd be in if we got caught! I'd never hear the end of it from my parents and well... They'd probably make me pay a hefty fine... I'm sorry, love," Liam said with simpathetic eyes.

"I know... I just wanna go so bad! And how would we get caught-"

Liam cut her off, "IDs, Ellie. You need an ID that says you're eight-teen."

"Well can't we make myself one or something?" Ellie said in frustration, scooching a little bit away from Liam.

"You know we could never do that... What has gotten into you, Hughes?! Can't we just enjoy the day while it's still here? There is plenty of things to do besides go to a pub that is way lamer than you think. That place is all just talk, anyway. And I know you'd much rather spend the day with me staying sober!" Liam said with a huge grin.

Ellie couldn't take it anymore. She knew she couldn't stay mad at this kid, he was too special. He could read her like a book anyway and he knew exactly what it took to make her smile again. Why'd she have to go to a pub anyway, Liam was right, that place was probably just all talk...

"Fine, you got me Payne. What should we do?" Ella asked in defeat.

"Why are you asking me?" Liam laughed, "It's you're birthday! We can do anything or go anywhere besides a pub."

"I guess we could go to the Eye, like you suggested before if you're still up for it!"

"Yeah, sure! Let's get ready then ditch this place," Liam said with a wink that made Ella giggle and kiss his soft cheek.

This day would be enjoyable by just having Liam by her side, Ella thought to herself...

Loved You First - A 1D (Liam Payne, Harry Styles) FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now