Battle for Ponyvile. (Crossover Chapter)

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TheNintegaGuy Credit goes to my man. TheNinegaGuy, I love your book fam and I made one of the long comments I did in Wattpad so why not make a chapter of it. With all of the characters, I love fights against a more powerful version of Grogar, again. Credit goes to TheNintegaGuy, and I don't own MLP, Bionicle, RVB, Touhou, Saint Seiya, and Angry Birds and music videos all go to their respectful owner. Please enjoy.]

The skies were darkening as the Toa Mata, the reds and blues, Reimu and Marisa, pegasus Seiya as well as the flock. With the mane 6 look onto the skies with Lewa then breaking the silence.

Lewa: "What is going on? Why are the skies darkening, it's not supposed to rain today?"

Rainbow Dash: "I'm mean, Pegasus can easily makes the skies rains but this isn't normal?"

Gali then turns her head to the right as the river nearby to them was turning down, Gali slowly approaching the river, before dipping her biomechanical hand onto the didn't feel right, the water was supposed to be calm, and full with life. Water was the reason that all living beings lived as a whole but this was different. Much different, Gali then heard Reimu's voice calling her.

Reimu: "Gali, what is the matter?"

Gali slowly turned her head to the group as they can see Gali was scared for a bit, with the river slowly turned dark, Gali then responds to Reimu's question.

Gali: "The sea...they're in pain."

Reimu: "Pain? What do you mean pain-"

Gali: "Reimu, when I say pain, it's like there was no life onto the river or anything that was connected to water. Something is wrong, VERY wrong."

Everyone begins to warp their heads around, knowing that something has happened around the oceans of equestrian, which only makes it more worry to some of the members of the group. Simmons took a sigh before ending the silence for a min.

Simmons: "If what you're saying is true, this does mean something, something that I didn't think could happen?"

Applejack: (Turns her head to Simmons.) "What do you mean Simmons?"

Simmons: "Ok, think of this way, you know how magic in Equestria in a way has a system, the system mostly is choosing of what races pony is, however, if say. Someone decides to disrupt the balance between magic and life as a whole, many things could happen. 1, the system could fall onto itself due to not've been balanced, 2, someone will need to quickly remove the person who disrupts the system or else the system and life as a whole could go into the dark ages."

Twilight: "And the third?"

Simmons: (Took a tiring sigh before looking at twilight) "Magic as a whole, would be gone as we know it with all of the creatures that were created or born with magic died without the magic system exist in their bodies."

Everyone took a gasp as this could mean the doom of Equestria as a whole but the question remains, who was the one that disrupts the system of magic or magic of all of Equestria, this question remains on the back of their minds until the Not Ordinary Magician has a theory.

Marisa: "Ok, so Simmons. You say that the systems of magic in Equestria were disrupted as a whole right?"

Simmons: "In theory, yes."

Marisa: "Does it affect human being that holds magic as a whole or can other systems that are connected to magic help fix the disrupt?"

Simmons: "Hmmm...I think so but highly likely because remember, Equestria magic is ancient. Hella ancient-"

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