Chapter 7: tell me the truth

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Authors note: good news! I'm finally feeling better lately and ready to continue this story. Without further a due, enjoy.

Luffy's POV:
I stared down at the printed paper sheet littered with math problems, my head ached just from looking at it. I don't wanna do this homework. I have Better things to eat! I sat up quickly, making my way to the kitchen while humming "binks sake." To myself. Shanks used to sing it to me as a kid and tell me to stop wining like a big baby. I smiled at the memory. I never knew my biological father growing up, so shanks sort of played that role for me and my brothers. As I walked into the kitchen, I spotted some very delicious looking sugar cookies. I licked my lips, just as I was about to reach out and grab one, it was slapped by someone. I looked up and saw it was ace. "Nah uh! Those aren't for you lu." He said sternly pointing his finger at me. "Whyyyy" I whined slumping against the counter. "Because I said so." He said and I noticed a small card next to the plate of cookies. I smirked. "Is it from marrccoooo?~" I cooed and he blushed. "Oh shut up." He clicked his tounge and grabbed a cookie. I snickered.

Law's POV:
I stared down at the countless dollars in my hands. Still not enough. Never enough. When will it be? I just wanna help Cora..his life is at risk here and I can't even get some fucking money. I stored the green away and rubbed the bridge of my nose. Maybe a need a new job. I pulled out my computer, and scrolled on a website. There wasn't much, it seems this side of town only have small businesses and diners. I'll have to figure something out..Cora, hang tight.

-time skip-

"Oi, law!" It was zeff. What does he want now? "For you, some guy sent it here." He handed me a bright pink envelope, in cursive writing doflamingo's signature was on the front. I scoffed. Normally I would crumble this letter in a paper ball and throw it all the way to North Korea. But I'm curious, so I opened the letter. My eyes widened and my face went pale. It was a 10,000 dollar check.

Luffy's POV:
"Luffy!" It was zeff. "Yeah?" I responded and placed a plate of pancakes infront of a customer. "This is for you, after some thinking I think you deserve it back." He pulled out the blue pin that I was all to familiar with. In big bold letters, the words BARATIE'S BEST EMPLOYEE stayed printed in my front. My eyes beamed. "Ahhh! Thank you!" I said in a cheery tone as zeff walked off. I snickered to myself. "Somebody's happy." Sanji commented and I nodded. And than it came to me, I should show tra-guy, this'll teach him to try and steal my place..I went to look for him and saw him..leaving? Did he leave work early? I shrugged. I'll just show him tomorrow. "Well at least you don't have to worry about that guy anymore huh?" Sanji spoke and I raised a brow. "What do you mean?" I asked and he looked at me. "I overhead him talking to zeff earlier, he quit." I don't know why, but hearing those words formed a small lump in my throat. "W-what?" I said trying to swallow the crack in my voice.  As if our of instinct, I went outside and followed him. Sanji started yelling something at me but I completely blocked him out, blindly following tra-guy.

Law's POV:
My palms grew sweaty as I firmly gripped the check in my hands. I normally wouldn't want doflamingo's dirty money, but in a situation like this with'd be crazy not to accept. I can finally quit that job, get a better one maybe. Maybe even get out of this stupid town. I'm putting this money towards his treatment right away. I saw my car parked on the side of the road, and just as I was only a few steps away, a felt a small hand grip my tatted one. I turned around, it was Luffy. What does he want? Why now? "S-so it true you quit?" He suddenly asked and I only stared at him for a brief moment. "Yeah." I said bluntly and I turned around to try and get in my car again, but he grabbed me again. "What the hell is it?!" I snapped and he jumped slightly. "I..sorry. I just..wanted to say I got my position back.." He's so oblivious. Cant he take a hint? "Guess I would've left ether way than." I stated re-calling the deal we made a whole back, it seemed so distant yet so recent. "Is there anything else?" I asked impatiently with my hands gripping the check tighter by my side, I looked at him shocked, he was biting his bottom lip and his eyes seemed just a little bit watery. Did I say something? "I' sorry for being mean to you. I actually e-enjoyed working with you to be honest..and I was hoping we could be friends. If that's o-ok with you." I felt my heart sink in my stomach, for some reason..I felt bad. "..I plan to move soon. I don't have a good history with this town. I came here for my uncle's treatment, and as soon as it's done I plan to get out of here." I said looking down at the concrete below us. "But I want you to stay..don't you wanna work here? I thought you enjoyed working with us." He said with a crack in his voice. I frowned. He wasn't wrong, I developed close relationships and freinds here in the baratie..I guess especially with Luffy. "Sorry..I think it's better off this way." I spoke avoiding his eyes once more. He took a step closer. "B-but..but there's something else..I've had this feeling lately, and I think it's also getting in the way—" I cant have this conversation forever. "Enough. I don't want more reasons for me to stay. I've made my decision, and I need you to understand—" before I could finish, he grabbed the collar of my shirt in his fists, and brought me down into a sweet simple and brief kiss. I pulled away almost immediately. "What the hell?!" I scoffed looking down at him. A small tear stream down his cheek. "Im sorry, I just—" I interrupted with an angry tone, "just fuck off will you?!" He looked up at me with more tears streaming out of his eyes. I heard a small sniffle. Before I could say anything, he ran off back into the baratie. Leaving me alone. I went into my car and started up the engine. A wave of guilt and regret seemed to shower me as I drove. Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh on him....

To be continued...

[DISCONTINUED] 𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗙𝗔𝗦𝗧 𝗕𝗨𝗗𝗗𝗜𝗘𝗦 Where stories live. Discover now