Chapter 1

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Luigi POV

I made breakfast. Two slices of toast and some bacon. Mario walked in, yawning. "Good morning bro!" I said cheerfully. I always made sure to put on a happy face for him, after all, if I didn't, no one would. The people who lived around here didn't tend to like us. Probably because we were always going on dangerous adventures and whatnot.

"How have things been going with Varian?" I asked him. Varian was a scientist, and one of my brother's new friends. He was professor E. Gadd's great nephew, and a nice kid. I think he's about 16 or something, so quite a bit younger than us, but still nice. Mario had been working with him on creating something to help keep Bowser away from the castle or something. Mario has been working hard to make the Mushroom kingdom safer, trying to prove that he isn't a bad guy and that he was actually only trying to help everyone. Mario yawned again. "Was up all night working with him, but our project is almost done. Don't worry Luigi. Soon we'll make the Mushroom Kingdom safe, and everyone will love us." I smiled at this. "That's great news! Varian must be so excited!"

People tended to avoid Varian too. He was known for his inventions always blowing up, so he was working really hard on making something helpful in order to make people see that he wasn't dangerous.

Mario nodded. "Yep! Soon everything will get better! ....For all of us." He looked over at me. People especially didn't trust me. When word got around about the incident with the Ultimate Show, people begun to fear me even more. It was like they were afraid of me, but I usually ignored this. Once Mario helps make sure the Mushroom Kingdom is secure with this new weapon he and Varian are working on, everything will get better for us. I know it!

I got up and hugged him. "I can't wait!"

Mario POV

I finished breakfast and headed over to Varian's house. The kid and I had been working really hard on this weapon. This was it, our chance to gain the trust of everybody in this Kingdom. I would love to walk the streets, not feeling like everyone's judging me. I was going to make life here better. For me and Luigi both. I arrived at the kid's lab. Varian lived alone, since both his parents had died, and E. Gadd was always off researching something who knows where. I don't know if E. Gadd is even aware of the kid's existence. Varian greeted me at the door.

"Ah! Mario! H-hey!" The kid waved. I smiled and waved back. "Hey Varian! Ready to get back to work?" He smiled back at me. "Of course!"

I first met the kid about three months ago. He moved into town, saying that his parents were both killed in a chemical explosion, which destroyed his old home. He said he was looking for E. Gadd, who was his only living relative left, however I told him that E. Gadd never really stayed in one place. Varian decided to just settle here and try to survive. When he first arrived, he made his reputation as the dangerous scientist quickly, as within the first week of living here he accidentally caused a small chemical explosion, in attempt to make something helpful, injuring two toad children. I felt bad for the kid, since everyone seemed afraid of him. I helped him get back on his feet, loaning him some money and offering to help him out, and we eventually became friends. He really was a sweet kid. He was a little shorter than me, incredibly skinny, had messy black hair, and grey eyes. He tended to wear a red shirt with a black apron over it, brown pants, and black boots.

He walked me to the back of his house. He only really had two rooms in his house, since he couldn't afford a big place, so one room was used for living and the other was his lab. He walked me back to his lab and showed me what we had been working on. "The gun is all charged up. Now, we should be able to take an enemy's soul, causing them to freeze until the soul is returned." I nodded. We had been working on this gun for a few weeks now. I was hoping we could use it to stop Bowser from attacking our kingdom again. The gun freezes the target's body, and takes their soul, holding it inside the weapon. If you fire it back at the same target, it returns their soul and they are able to move and think again. This way, we'd be able to finally stop Bowser once and for all, without actually hurting him.

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