hes back

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Sorry i was gone for so long alot of shit happened -.- but n e ways I should be back for a bit hopeful

*one week later*

Killua: I dont know I dont remember

Pika: killua you keep saying this ever time something happens

Killua: because I dont! I dont know what the fuck is wrong with me!

Pika: killua calm down


pika: killua


*Linny P.O.V*
I walk in the kids Lobby to see our new pashen yelling at someone one the phone "sir calm down or you wont be able to use the phone " I say walking over to him he then throws the phone and punches the wall " you think i care about a fucking phone call?!" He yells turning around to look at me"Go sit down now!" I tell him and he drops to the ground crying "I hate it here I hate it here I hate it here! I hate it here!" He continues to yell I walk up to him and get to his level "
i know you dont like it here no one does I know its scary and everything is confusing and stressful but yelling, punching, and throwing things is not going to help, it just makes everything harder for everyone including you " I tell him and he sits there continuing to cry " come on get up I'll get you a drink "I tell him, he stands up wiping his eyes "thank you i say and walk to the desk to get him a drink he sits in a chair wiping his puffy eyes I walks over to him and hand him a drink " I dont want your stupid fucking drugs " he says with a voice scratchy from yelling stop with that language, and this is water I dont give medicin " I say setting next to him
"I dont care " he say looking at the ground "your killua right? "I ask and he nods his head " I'm linny I was actually coming here to talk to you " I say to get no response " what's your favorite thing to do ?"I ask him attempting to get his mind off things "hanging out with gon" surprised he responded " who is gon to you?"I ask and he seems to have calm down more " m-my best friend " he says " what kind of things do you guys do? " we play outside alot " he says "oh so your an outside kid?" I ask "no not really pika makes us play outside because every time we play inside something ends up broken " he says and I laugh" who is pika? " I ask and he gets quite "h-hes kinda like my mom " is that who you were on the phone with? " I ask and he nods his head "let's talk more about this gon" I say switching the conversation seeing hes not In the mood to be in the last one. we talk for awhile and I ask him the question I need answered and he asks me some and I answer the ones I can

*pikas P.O.V*

I dont know what to do! "I yell " did you tell him? " leorio says "no I didnt have the chance to"i yell crying due to the amount of stress I'm in" did you guys have any luck finding him?" I say " n-no but we are going to find him ok? " leorio says and I breakdown " hes been missing for a week now!"I yell and he hugs me " we are going to find him everything is going to be ok "he says hugging me as I cry in his shoulder "

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I'll get it" leorio calmly  says letting me go and stands up, he walks to the door, I watch him as he opens the door "GON!" He yells and moves out of my sight once I realize what he yelled I run to the door to see him hugging gon, i hug him crying "where have you been?! are you ok?! What happened?!" I questioning him "I just needed some time to relax sorry " he says calmly "g-gon why didnt you tell anyone?! I-I didnt know what happened to you everyone was terrified!"I say more of a yelling manner "sorry I wont ever do it again "he says breaking the hug "it's fine.....
I'm just glad your ok, come on inside " I say moving so he can walk in. He didnt say alot on what happened while he was gone, he seemed fine but there was something off I couldn't find out what it is but I'm going to.

That last bit got pretty cringey but hey it's a chapter a short one but still an update I'm just starting to get on track I still have other story's I'm going to work on at 5 in the morning but intill next time ye~

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