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Wlcm back guys!!


Sid and his mother were having a talk in Siddharth's room....

Ab agee....

Sid- why r u forcing me do all these?? Why my relatives hate me?? Why am I cursed?? Why I hv to marry an unknown person?? What will happen if I don't marry that destined girl?? Why r forcing me into all this?? And most importantly where is papa??😖😖😩😩😫😫😓😓.....

Now Vibha aunty was silent....she had no words to speak out....

VA- wo beta it's jst that u hv to leave jan for the betterment of the family!!

Sid- but y ....y only I hv to sacrifice....

VA- bçz u hv to leave her!!

Sid- but pls tell me the reason atleast😭😭

VA- Bçz u wanna know na??

Sid- yesss....😞😞

VA- Bçz that is only written in ur destiny that u hv to marry the girl which is destined to be married by u!!

Sid- but y mumma? Y always I hv to sacrifice.... Frm my childhood....only I hv to sacrifice!!😞😞 Why not bhaiya?? Bhaiya is so happy....he is allowed to be wid his love....that is vaishu di.. every1 loves him but every1 hates me!! What hv I done??😖😖😩😩

VA- Ok so I think it is high time and I need to tell u abt ur destiny only if u r ready to listen to it!! Bçz it is the most painful part of life for both ur mother and ur father 😞😞!!

Sid- yess I am ready bçz if I am not ready today.... I will not be ready tomorrow as well!!

VA- so listen.... It is the time when u were born....


When Siddharth was born....

Sid's father reached the hospital.... And then entered into VA's chamber and they were extremely happy that they again had a son which was so super cute.... Abhi who also had gone wid SF(Siddharth's father) was also smiling after seeing his small brother....and he was jumping in the chamber shouting that he had bcm a big brother!!❤️❤️

Then Vibha aunty got discharged frm the hospital as she had a normal delivery....

Next day....

They had called pandit ji (priest) to their house 🏡🏡🏠🏠 for making the janm patri....(birth knowledge)....

As soon as the pandit ji asked them some details.... and calculated something....he said,

Pan- omg!!😱😱😨😨

VA and SF- what happened??

Pan- see the thing is very serious and vry sad....only if u both permit I will say!!

SF- hmm say!!

Pan- what abt u bhabi?

VA- hmm boliye (say)

Pan- see the thing is that this boy has been cursed!!

VA-what? My son is cursed!! No this can't happen....this can't....and she breaks down 😭😭😭😭

Pan- see Mr. Nigam I told u both to be strong and stone-hearted to listen to all this....if u break down lik this....then how will I tell u??

SF- hmm u r ri8....jst wait for a moment!!

To vibha aunty...

See vibha u need to be strong dear....u can't fall weak.... If u fall weak now....then the mystery of our son will always remain a mystery.... and if we strongly listen to all this now.... then we both will fi8 for our son.... We both will help him grow up and give him all the love and care which is supposed to be given to him!! We will never let him feel that he is cursed rather we will make him feel that he is the most blessed person in this world!!

VA- hmm u r ri8....I should not fall weak.... atleast for my son I need to be strong....u continue pandit ji(priest).... I won't cry anymore😩😩

Pan- hmm then the thing is....


So guys that's all for the chapter!! Hope y'all like it!!

So now....

Mystery of Siddharth's curse will be out!!

Are u all excited??

Will that curse be the reason of his sadness and loneliness??

Or is there something else??

And Avneet's entry will be after Siddharth's flashback ends bçz I don't wanna mix up things!!

Many questions..... I know, there's a lot of suspence going on.... But they will be cleared in the next chapter!!

Any suggestions, any flaws??

Which was ur favourite and heart touching part??

Let me know plss plssss!!

Word count - 822 words!!

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Goals - 30 votes nd 20 comments ..

Love u all 💗💗!!

Stay tuned 4 nxt chappy....

Till then bubyee 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃!!

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