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Only bought this dress so you could take it off.
We arrive at a club. Nat pulled up to valet and someone opened my door for me. I thanked them with a nod and looked back at Nat. Once she caught up I begin to walk into the club. As soon as we walk in I look at Nat and see her moving her shoulders back and forth. I laugh and walk straight to the bar. I order two drinks, once I get them i turn to give one to Nat but she was gone. Pushing through the crowd I keep my head poked up to see if I can see her. I immediately see her red hair and make me way towards her. I hand her the drink and begin to sip mine, maybe chug would be more fitting. Nat takes my empty cup from my hand and places it on a table. "Hey!" She grabs my hand and pulls me out to the floor. She starts to dance so I awkwardly follow along. "I don't dance." I turn to her. "And neither do I." After that was over she starts to dance again so I follow. After a few moments I go back to the bar for more drinks. I hand Nat hers but she denies. "I don't want that, I'm dancing." I shake my head and chug the two drinks I was holding. Along with Nat's first drink that was still full
on the table. I go back out since i'm drunk enough to dance. She laughs when she see's my awful attempt at dancing. I ignore her.

A couple hours of dancing and drinks pass. Well for me anyway. I had almost every drink in the place while Nat hardly had a sip. We leave the club and I start walking the opposite direction. "Wrong way Johnson, the cars over here." I stopped but didn't turn. "I'm walking home." I hear Nat groan and run up behind me. She didn't know why I felt the need to walk, but I didn't either. As we were walking down the sidewalk I heard a vehicle approach us. The door slams and we turn. A man starts to walk towards us, we look at each other and continue to walk. "What are you pretty ladies doing walking at this time of day." I can see Nat roll her eyes but we didn't stop. "Are we playing hard to get?" I look at Nat and see her looking at the alleyway in-front of us. We turned and heard the man follow behind. As soon as he was close enough, Natasha turned and punched him in the stomach. He stands up straight and starts walking towards us. Before he could get close I had him in the air with purple energy circling around him. I look at him as he is frightened by what i'm doing. "You done now?" I throw the man to the ground. I turn and walk out of the alley and Nat follows. "You didn't forget that time." I look at her and smile when I see her smirking.

We arrived back at the compound. I'm barley walking straight when I feel a strong wind go past me. I look down to see my bag is gone. "You didn't see that coming?" I look and Pietro and roll my eyes. Nat goes up to him and grabs my bag from his hands. When she hands it's back to me I start to stare again. Nothing would've changed if I hadn't feel someone reading me. I quickly turn my head and my eyes glow at Wanda. "Get out of my head Maximoff." Wanda starts to laugh. "I know everything I need to." Wanda smiles but I continue to look at her angry. She makes a hand motion towards Nat then back at me. I open my eyes wide and look at Nat. She looks confused. I shake my head at the laughing twins and start walking.

When I open the door to my room Nat walks in. I didn't know why but I didn't question it. I turn my light on and scramble through my draws to find something to change into. "So what was Wanda talking about." I look up from my draw, I shake my head and look back down. "Nothing." I can almost feel her smirking. She definitely knows what Wanda was talking about. I put a pair of clothes on my dresser but suddenly jump at the Natashas touch. Her hands were cold. She unzips my dress zipper, leaving my back bare. "Nothing?" I lift my head as chills rush over me. I feel the blood rising to my cheeks. I can feel her breath. "Yep. Nothing." I turn but Nat doesn't move. I go around her and walk toward my bathroom to change. "Why are you in here, anyway?" I asked as I shut the bathroom door. "Want me to leave?" "I didn't say that." I hear Nat laugh. When I walk back out of the bathroom Nat is sitting on my couch with the remote in her hand flipping through channels. I grab a water from my fridge and sit down next to her. I take a sip from the bottle and place it down. I was confused when I saw Nat reach for the bottle and take a sip. "I'm sorry, do you want one?" She closes the bottle and puts it back down. "Nope, just yours." I turn my head and bite my lip.

Nat put on a movie. I wasn't really paying attention to it. I was just watching her. When the movie was over it was far past midnight. She stands up and I start walking towards the door to open it for her. Before I grabbed the handle I turned to see Nat right in-front of me. I look down and nervously bite my lip. She steps closer but I don't move. "Mel." I lift my head up, still biting my lip. "Why are you biting your lip?" I quickly release my bottom lip form my teeth. "I don't know." She smirks. "So are you going to tell me what Wanda was talking about earlier or should I ask her myself?" I look at her and roll my eyes. "I- It-" Before I could say anything she stopped me. "Was it something about this?" I looked at her confused. Suddenly she wraps her hand around the back of my head and our lips graze over each other's before she pushes hers into mine. I push myself back and look down. "Yeah, that." I don't move when I feel Nat reach behind me for the doorknob. I close my eyes when I feel her breath against my neck. "Goodnight Johnson." She walked herself out of my room. I hear her chuckle as she opens her bedroom door. I walk back to my bed and lay there awake until I hear my alarm.

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