10 - Burgled but not Broken

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"I love you so, so much" I whispered and caressed the smooth skin of his cheek beneath my fingers.

"For the last time, Tine. I will not, repeat, NOT, share my toothbrush with you. You are fully capable of going to the convenience store and buying yourself a new one. There's one right downstairs" huffed Fong, pushing my fingers away from his face.

"You're such a prude"

"It's called basic hygiene. Who knows where that mouth of yours has been... oh wait, I do. I'm not keen on a second-hand kiss from Earth via my toothbrush. You haven't even washed your mouth since we came home"

I sighed and fell back dreamy-eyed.

"I'm never washing my mouth again"

"All the more reason that we will never share a toothbrush. And probably also food, because your teeth will rot."

"Don't be mean, Khaotung" I said, snuggling up to him, throwing a leg and an arm across his body.

"I'm sleeping now. I have my rounds in the morning" said Fong, adjusting my pillow so it was just right for my head and closing his eyes.

He was asleep in seconds, an ability honed after years of exhaustion from over working himself.

I wondered how my life had come to this.

Cuddled up on a queen sized bed with my best friend, serenaded to sleep by the loud snores of my giant baby brother who lay on a mattress on the floor, and blinded by the blue light from my baby sister's mobile phone that cast a ghastly gleam on her face as she lay on the couch in the one roomed flat that Fong called home.

"I've got to get better friends with bigger houses" I said to myself.

"You do have a wannabe-boyfriend with many bigger houses" snickered Pear.

"Shut up. We are nowhere close to that" I said. Strangely, the memory of the kiss had faded faster than I thought it would.

"Tine, I hope you know Wat likes you too" said Pear unexpectedly.

"Don't be ridiculous" I protested immediately, my heart jumping to my throat and thudding painfully against my Adam's apple.

"I don't know if you're choosing to ignore him, or playing hard to get. But you can see it in the way he looks at you."

"You mean like he's trying to see if he can catch me tripping and falling flat on my face?"

"Like he's waiting to catch you if you ever do fall"

That shut me up. Pear went deep.

"I'm rooting for Wat, by the way" she said with a giggle.

"Shut up and sleep. Bags under a twenty year old's eyes are extremely unattractive"

"I love you too, Tine".


I tossed and turned restlessly. It was a blessing that Fong was such a sound sleeper.

Wat? Me? No way.

I thought back over the two weeks that I had known Wat. I had definitely spent a lot of time with him.

As a spy and fixer for our benefactors-with-benefits, those paragons of grey market financing, the Brothers Sakdan, Wat was surprisingly friendly and enterprising.

He had a solution for every problem. He always knew a guy, where to go, had just the thing.

He was annoyingly charming and could smooth talk his way out of any situation.

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