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Your POV:
I was laying in bed worrying, I haven't seen five all day.

This morning I woke up he wasn't there. I just kept worrying and worrying but I try to stop and I think .

'he can fight for himself. Right..'

I walk downstairs at hear laughing from the living room. I walk over there to see five on the floor drunk laughing at something.

"Oh thank god your here y/n. Five is hard to deal with when he is drunk"

Klaus says walking out of the room. " hey hey hey did you-" I didn't finish my sentence but Klaus disappeared.

"HeYy bAbY. cOmE hErE pWeAsE" five says well doing this hand uppie thing(I don't know what's it's call)

I go over to him and I kneel down. "PiCk mE uP" he says and I look at him "you know how I feel when your drunk." I say and I pick him up. He is a lot lighter than I thought he would be.

He hiccups and wraps his legs around me "iM sOrRy bAbY."

I hear him say while he is playing with my hair. I walk upstairs to our room and I place him down on the bed.

"Is ThIs My RoOm?."

he asks and I laugh alittle.

"yes it is fivey." I tell him while I go to his closet and grab his pj's.

"Ok now let's get you in your Pyjamas"I say and pull him up and he almost falls but he grabs my shoulder.

I take off his jacket than he's vest than i unbutton his shirt.

He looks at a drawing on the wall i drew. "DiD yOu dRaW tHaT" he says pointing to it. "Yes I did" i smile and take off your shorts. "ItS bEaUtIfUl lIkE yOu"

he says and I smile "thank you fivey" he doesn't reply and play with my hair.

I put on his pants and than his shirt. "I wAnNa bUtToN uP?"

He asks and looks at me "ok you can" he smiles after and tries buttoning his shirt. I look at his hand and it's very shaky. But he starts to get angry "wHy CaNt I dO tHiS" he says "five let me help"

I move his hand and button up his shirt and he smiles

"tHaNk YoU bEaUtIfuL"

I smile and lay him down"Ok I'm going to get you some medicine so you won't have a headache when you wake up. Ok?"

I ask but he grabs my arm.


he whines "I will be back in a minute ok?" 

I say looking at him "fInE bUt iM cOuNtInG!"

He says and starts counting "1 2 3 4 5-oH mY gOd ThAtS uS!"

I smile and go get his medicine and I come back snd he counted to 83. "YoU tOoK oVeR a MiNtUe!"

He says kinda mad "I'm sorry fivey" I say "iTs oKkKk"

I smile and give him the  water and he takes the pill and I take the water from him.

He lays down and i lay beside him and he puts his head on my chest. I smile and I hear tiny sobs, I look down and see five crying "oh baby why are you crying?." I cup his cheeks "I fEeL lIkE yOuR dIsApPoInTeD iN mEee"

He keeps crying and I hug him.

"I will never be disappointed in you Ok"

I say and he nods and I lay down with him on my chest. Once he falls asleep I say "good night love I love you"I kiss his head and fall asleep.

This is a pretty long one but I read this in a lot of books so I hope you like it. Should I do one well five has to deal you well your drunk?. Let me know I luv you all😽✌️

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