Forgoten P.2

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   Five sat at the couch waiting for his lover but as the hours went by they never came home. He passed out after eating for 4 hours than woke up from the sun shining through the blinds he opened his eyes abs say up quickly and ran around the house seeing if they ever came home.

After he looked through the whole house 4 times he called he siblings. "Hey five whats up-" "y/n is missing she went on a walk last night and.,she just never- came home" five says over the phone trying not to cry.

"Ok we will be there in 5" Klaus says he hangs up and tells everyone that y/n is missing, they all got to fives house and walked into five on the couch balling His eyes out. "I need to find them." Five says as he stands up. "Let's go find them" Klaus says as they all run out and start looking for them.

They were calling out there name, they were asking people,everything they can do but little did they know y/n wasn't listening to everything....

Y/n sat there on the bridge looking down at the water thinking. They knew if she jump they would regret it but if they didn't they would also regret it..  they just didn't want to hurt five they knew he cared to much about them. After hours of siting there they heard everything go quiet. So they decided to do it they jumped off the bridge not caring about anything.

They shut there eyes as they felt getting closer to the water. They hit the water in the process they hit there head on a rock and them almost being knocked unconscious. They tried to swim but they felt weak and like they couldn't move. "Anyone!" They yelled "I'm sorry.!" They yelled as they blacked out and falling underwater.

Five walked towards the bridge hearing something. "I'm sorry.!" He looked over the bridge to see y/n. "Y/N!" He teleport and by the time he got to the spot he saw them they weren't there anymore.. he kept teleporting to the spots around the water. "Y/N PLEASE IM SORRY!" He yelled as he kept teleporting.

After everyone found him after hours he was soaking wet. "Hey,hey Five what's wrong?" Vanya asks. "I couldn't save them in time.. it's my fault there gone. It's my fault. It's all my fault!" He said getting louder. "It's not your fault it's ours we completely ignored them.. we're sorry five." Klaus said hugging him he surprisingly hugged back and start crying.

They all hugged for a couple of minutes knowing that they could possibly never see y/n again.. but that's what they thought....

"Keep doing CPR!" "IM TRYING!" Y/n spits water out of there mouth as they hears that coming back in from  consciousness. "See they're  alive" Someone says who they don't recognize . "Who are you?" Y/n says looking At them it's a group of four people three girls and one boy. "Where am i?!" One with very curly hair looks at a girl she's holding hands with.

"I need to get back to five.!" "Who's five" a boy with blonde hair asks. "Someone.." they says "Jesus your bleeding really badly. "They boy says looking at they're head. "Who are you guys?" Y/n asks completely Ignoring the statement form the boy. "My name is Deena" say the girl with curly black hair. "That's Kate" pointing to the other girl with black hair. "Sam" pointing to the girl with blonde hair.

"And that's Simon." Deena finally finishes. "And your in Shadyside now."

Ok I liked this chapter it's like a crossover a little ig but this is part to I'm probably going to make a part three butt I will see you all next time and I love youu

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