No Adults(nicky)

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This is in the show daybreak so if you haven't watched it go watch it.

Nickys POV:
Me, Dawn, Ricky and Dicky were walking walking out boulder and to Glendale and arguing about something that has happened because 6 months ago a bomb went off and all the adults Turned into zombies.

So we all left bloulder because some kids are zombies too and it hurts seeing your parents saying the last things on there mind and trying to kill you.

"Dicky you don't need to make everything about you!" Dawn yells.

"Well I want to look good for the ladies." Dicky replies

"There is probably no ladies LEFT!" Ricky tells

"Woah woah you don't know that mr smart guy"I say back to Ricky

"Well Nicky we are in a middle of a apocalypse!" Ricky yells again

"Well why are we leaving our hometown than. Because were scared of the fucking zombies!" I yell at Ricky.

"Nicky language!" Dawn yells.

"No I will not watch my language because look at us. And yes Ricky we are in a middle of a damn apocalypse!"I Yell about to lose my temper

"We'll look at us Nicky! We are a bunch of 15 year olds walking to Glendale for what?! To be safe!" Dawn yells back and get mad and just walk away.

"We have to follow him." Ricky says


"Because that's the way to Glendale."Ricky says back to Dawn

"Oh ok let's go" Dawn says and starts walking.

A day later because I'm lazy
Still Nickys POV

We finally arrived to Glendale and we started walking around holding out weapons and holding our bags.

"Ok we just need to find a place now-" Dawn cuts her self off. "Dawn what's wrong.?" I ask and she points to what's written on the wall.

'We are here'

"Holy shit" Dicky says "there is people.!" He smiles and we all smile and we hear wheels like a stake board?

We look around and see two people one riding a stake board the other one riding a longboard. "Josh fucking move it" one of them say once the other one got in there way and they stop after they see us.

Your POV:
Me and my best friend josh are skating but he's 17 and I'm 15 but I'm also friends with everybody else at the mall.

We stopped after we saw four people looking at Josh's Spray Paint looking for Sam. We pick up our boards and use them like shields.

"Which tribe are you from?" Josh asks.They look at us confused.

"Tribes?." One with long dirty blonde hair asks."Yea? The girl looks like a cheermazon" I say and I grab my pocket knife. "Woah woah what the hell is a cheermazon?!" The girl asks.

"I don't think they from Glendale y/n?" Josh whisper yells to me but everyone can hear him. "You don't need to fucking whisper?!" I say and I lower my longboard.

"Where the hell are you guys from?" I ask amd one with dark brown hair and green eyes looks at me and I look back and he replies.

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