♥An Evil Story About Age Difference♥

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A/N: I feel like I need to address this, because I keep getting so MANY comments about it, Yes Sasuke is older than Naruto, BUT, Sasuke isn't a pedophile you guys, he wouldn't try anything on Naruto, and if you could just read this part and part 2 open minded, you'd see Naruto isn't being taken advantage of or anything. If though you don't wish to read, just go to chapter 3 'I Don't Hate Cats' it's as simple as that, theres no need for rude comments, since some people still enjoy this one-shot, also keep in mind this is fiction, and there's been worse 'age gaps' in literal history and in today's world, so that's all don't like don't read just keep scrolling, but please stop with the mean comments TT-TT

-Thank you,Yuna

Sasuke Age :15-16 , Naruto Age: 7-8
(the picture below in the media part)Little Naruto->

Sasuke was Naruto's best friend they met when naruto was 7  he was being picked on by some kids bigger than him,older than him not to mention they were chunin sure it wouldn't seem much to some with a higher ranking or could defend one's self but naruto wasn't either of those things. He was small and weak he didn't like violence it was one of the reason people made fun of him.

Because they thought naruto was more like a girl than a boy that and because of what was inside of him. The nine-tails sealed within him, his whisker marks on his cheeks were scars rather not get too much into detail to put it short though they were caused by kyuubi.  

Sasuke was a jounin of the hidden leaf, on his way back from turning his mission report to the hokage he happened to come across naruto. There were a group of boys 3 at least all kicking him, some even throwing rocks at him. Naruto didn't know what to do he curled up in a ball his hands over his head saying "pl-please...stop it"

Of course the boys didn't listen to him and kept hitting,kicking and throwing rocks at him. Sasuke knew he had to do something but he just froze in shock the hidden leaf was know for the kindness and hospitality and yet there were kids like these boys that showed none of the things konoha was known for.

They finally left when there parents came to get them the most shocking part of it all was they didn't say anything they just looked at naruto with disgust scoffing dirt(dust) in his face before walking away. Before sasuke had a chance to talk to naruto he ran away far away.

Day after Day sasuke watched naruto get picked on by the same people get thrown around by parents and rejected by the same pink haired girl. It was then sasuke had enough of seeing the poor little blonde boy who somehow continued to smile so brightly get picked on. As a fist was flying towards him sasuke stepped in and blocked it.

"You shouldn't pick on others who can't defend themselves" sasuke spoke coldly activating his sharingan. The boys ran away home scared to have pissed off the uchiha. Sasuke looked down at naruto who looked up at him in awe but slightly angry "I didn't need you standing up for me i can take care of myself" he mumbled crossing his arms puffing out his cheeks.

Sasuke reached down to pick up naruto but before he could even lay a finger on the little boy naruto started to shiver in fear "you're bigger than them...so your gonna pick on me too...right?" naruto thought out loud holding his hand in front of him. Sasuke eyes softened at the sight before him he placed a hand on naruto's shoulder "i won't hurt you naru-"  "LIKE HELL YOU WON'T!!! you're like everyone else from this village you'll hit me kick me punch me make fun of me" naruto screamed.

Sasuke just pulled naruto into a warm embrace "it's ok to cry sometimes you know let it all out" sasuke whispered into his ear. Naruto's eyes widen some in shock and just like that waterfalls of his tears streamed down his tan whiskered cheeks as he sobbed into the older males arms. Sasuke understood what naruto was going through when he was younger he too used to be picked on just like him.

Naruto's cries soon turned into sniffles but the tears never left his face "where do you live anyways little one?" sasuke asked walking past the lake with naruto his big hand holding tight to naruto's small one. Naruto looked down sadly "i-i don't know..." he spoke not meeting the gaze of the raven.

"Don't be silly everyone has a home. What about your parents?" sasuke asked naruto looked into the onyx eyes of the raven on brink of tears "i don't have any...*cries*i don't have a home...*cries*" he hugged tight to the older male. Sasuke sighed depressingly he never knew and yet this little boy before him always smiled with so much joy and yet he had nothing.

"Hey, now don't cry" he whispered wiping away naruto's tears "i'm sasuke by the way, you can stay with me ok, just think of me as your big brother kay". Naruto stared at him for a second before a small smile graced his lips "kay" he chirped hugging sasuke.


Naruto was now 8 he had been staying with the uchiha for almost a year things were running smoothly. Well for naruto it was he didn't get picked on as much by the kids but the adults there was nothing he could do about that though sasuke wished he could so instead he put them in a horrifying genjutsu for 2 days.

Sasuke had developed feelings for the young blonde he knew that these feelings were wrong but he couldn't help it. He loved naruto more than just a "brother" should have. Would he ever tell naruto. Nope not in a million years. He kept it a little secret to himself.

As he was walking back from his mission he spotted naruto at a mask stand picking out one of the anbu mask they sold to little kids. Ya'know to encourage them.  Anyways he stopped to look at naruto "you want this mask!" a man yelled picking up a mask naruto had pointed to. Naruto smiled nodding his head "yes please" he chirped.

"Then take it you demon" the old man pushed naruto then threw the mask at him making it hit naruto's head. Everyone that was around either laughed or kept walking ignoring the problem. Sasuke's blood boiled in rage how dare someone treat HIS naruto like this. He marched up to the man and activated his sharingan.

The man screamed in horror  as the genjutsu war-off he glared at the old man "if you ever do something like that again to him so help me i'll make your life a living hell" he spoke coldly venom dripping from his words. He took naruto away from the villagers into a forest where they had been living for the past year.

Sasuke tied the mask to the side of naruto's head which made him look even more adorable than he already was. "Sasuke-nii...thank you..." he mumbled looking down. Sasuke smirked munching on some of his rice ball naruto looked up at him holding his stomach as his tummy rumble "you hungry" sasuke asked.

"N-no" naruto lied he was very hungry but he didn't wanna ask sasuke for so much after all he did for him. Letting him live with him, giving him clothes, a place to sleep, food to eat, sticking up for him. Even something like asking for more food was something naruto didn't do.

Sasuke smiled a little a genuine smile "open your mouth" sasuke spoke holding out the riceball "ah~" naruto said doing as he was told. He placed the riceball in naruto's mouth, naruto nibbled on it a little before sasuke let go letting naruto have the whole thing. "Good?" sasuke asked naruto smiled with his eyes closed enjoying the snack "yes" he chirped.

He munched on it as small pieces of rice stuck to his face he looked over at sasuke a little confused about to ask him a question. But he stopped once he saw how close sasuke's face was to his. There lips met as sasuke passionately kissed naruto with love naruto being as naive as he was didn't know about the act of kissing he just smiled once sasuke pulled away.

Naruto looked at sasuke happily holding the riceball in his hand "sasuke you're usually so cold but suddenly you gave me your favorite onigiri, what do you want? I don't understand" naruto spoke still giving off his bright smile. Sasuke sat back on the floor "it's best if you don't" he spoke looking at naruto. Who continued to eat the onigiri.

'If you understand you'll surely run away...' sasuke thought looking at the lovable blonde. It was a curse to the uchiha that he had to be older than the blonde. The act of love he shared for the 8 year old would have been looked down upon everyone him and naruto and he just couldn't do that to naruto. Even if he didn't accept his feelings.

A Series Of SasuNaru One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now