♥You Don't Love Me!!♥

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A/N: This is like another part to the one shot 'you can wait' enjoy ^-^

It was a cold winter night sasuke was sound asleep in bed the covers wrapped warmly around his pale cold body the heater was on and made the room grow warmer the scented candle he lit awhile ago let the room small like gingerbread cookies he was truly happy in his deep sleep nothing was there to disturb him or so he thought.

A spiked shadow loomed over the uchiha’s sleeping figure glaring down at the raven naruto ripped the blankets off his warm body. “WAKE THE FUCK UP!!” he yelled sasuke’s eyes snapped open and gripped tightly to the bed for the blonde had grabbed his ankles and was trying to pull him off the bed. He let go after a while knowing it wasn’t wise to use so much strength while being pregnant.

“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?1 IT’S 2:00 AM!!” sasuke yelled back sitting up fully glaring at the blonde for removing his warm blanket he was left in nothing but his black uchiha crest boxers. “Exactly!! Breakfast time! I’m hungry!” he snapped placing his tan hand son his hips. “Then go eat!!” sasuke yelled back “there’s no more whip cream” naruto spoke shaking the empty jar in the ravens face.

Sasuke stared down at the empty b jar ‘this is why he woke me for some damn whip cream’ sasuke thought angrily. “ YOU WENT THROUGH THREE JARS IN ONE DAY!!” he yelled, he knew naruto could eat alot but three jars of very sweet whip cream and in one day that was unbelievable.

“You keep talkin’ when you should be gettin me more whip cream”  naruto said annoyed holding the empty jar much closer to sasuke’s face shaking it rapidly. “Well THOUGH tits. I’m not going out in the freezing cold at 2 am just to get you whip cream!” sasuke glared slapping the whip cream out of his hand.

Naruto’s eyes began to water and his lip quivered as a frown produced on his cute sad face “...what?” sasuke asked annoyed seeing the sudden change in his dobe behavior. “YOU DON’T LOVE ME!!” naruto yelled turning away from sasuke letting the tears fall down his whiskered cheeks “yes, I do!” sasuke yelled over his sobs “LIAR!!” naruto yelled crying even harder “no-!”  “AFTER ALL I WENT THROUGH FOR YOU STUPID DUCK-BUTT  I HATE YOU” naruto yelled cutting him off.

Sasuke sighed and began getting dress knowing the blonde would wake up everyone around if he didn’t go out to get the jar of whip creamed he so much needed. “I WENT THROUGH HELL YOU BACK HOME AND I NEVER DID A DAMN THING TO BETRAY YOU, BUT YOU WON’T EVEN GO GET ME A JAR OF WHIP CREAM!” naruto yelled at the raven as he pulled on his big winter coat.


The tears had stopped and naruto was now happy watching his lover step out in the cold to get him the whip cream that he needed “hey, make sure to get the big jar, ok?” naruto spoke closing the door. He snuggled up under the warm blankets rubbing his belly “don’t worry son papa’s going to get us something sweet” he grinned turning on the TV.

Sasuke glared at everyone this was his fifth time going out in the cold at 2 am to get whip cream he couldn’t have just waited until noon when the cold weather wasn’t at it’s worse. “Let me guess three jar of whip cream right, sasuke” ino spoke sitting three huge jars of whip cream on the counter sasuke simply nodded and paid the light blonde.

“Naruto must be a pain in the ass huh?” she asked bagged the jars “well I wouldn’t say that it’s just mood swings he’ll be better soon...i hope” he mumbled under his breath taking the jars in hand. “Bye.” he spoke hurrying out the door he didn’t wanna spend anymore time out in the cold night.

“Dobe here’s your damn whip cream-” he paused seeing his blonde lovers sleeping peacefully on the couch. He placed the jars in the refrigerator and joined his dobe on the couch the rest of the night the two cuddle under the huge blanket falling asleep in each other arms.

A Series Of SasuNaru One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now