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*Mikes POV*

"Austin? What are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same", he said and laughed softly, "Well... erm... I'm passing my holidays here, haha."

"In a desert", I asked him perplexed.

"Euh, yeah. Yes. No, actually I'm living in a hotel, it's a bit away, about one hour with the car. And yeah I thought about to visit the desert... like... now..."

It was really confusing, that Austin Carlile, the frontman from Of Mice And Men, was alone in a desert. He never was alone in holidays. Everytime he was with his girlfriend or his buddies from OMAM.

"Well and why are you here", he asked after a bit, breaking the silence.

"We euh... That's a long story. "

"Tell me, I have time", he said grinning.

He was really awkward.

"Okay", Dave said and gave me a confusing glare.

"It all started when we were in the tour bus, driving to the next venue", Brad started telling the story.

After fifteen minutes we were done telling the story.

"Oh my god... Are you kidding me? And where's Chester now?"

"No! I'm not kidding! The kidnappers took him. Really! You have to help us, Austin! We need your help", I said begging.

"Of course I help you! You're my friends, and Chester's also", he said smiling.

I sighed in relief so Brad and Dave.

"I wonder where he is and if he's fine", Dave muttered.

"Me either", Brad added.

I nodded my head.

*Chesters POV*

I woke up again, my head hurt like hell. I felt sick, very sick. My body was hurting more than earlier. I touched my head and felt something cold and wet. I looked at my hand and saw blood. A lot of blood. Tears welled up in my eyes. What happened? I wanted to know where I was, what happened to myself and who did that to me. I really wanted to know. I also wanted to know, why I was here and why they hated me. I rubbed my eyes. Not here, Chester. I had to be strong. I really wanted to be strong but I couldn't. I broke down again in tears and curled up into a ball, trying to ignore the heavy pain in my torso. Why was it always me? I was it everytime, who was pained. Not to wish, that one of my friends would be pained, but it annoyed me. Why did the world hate me? What did I wrong? Questions flew through my head. Tears made their way from my eyes to my jaw and neck. After a while, I wiped away the tears with my thumb. My eyes burned, because of the crying. I pulled my body into a sitting position. All of sudden, there was a slam and then somebody stood in front of me. Jason.

"J-Jason", I asked and my voice broke.

"Yeah, Chester."

"Wh-why am I h-here", I asked quietly, not wanting to say anything who could make the situation worse.


I jumped light when he started to scream.

"I d-did not", I defended myself.

"Ha. Bullshit!"

"NO! Why am I here? Didn't you take enough revenge? LET ME GO!"



"Since we met each other, you did everything wrong. You thought you were the king, just because of your good voice. You thought you were the best. You decided everything. But your desicions were not the best, you know? Everytime we wrote a song you chosed the rythm and stuff. You didn't even realise. We got angry at you a lot. And when you raped my sister everything went out of control so we decided to break up. And we did. And now here we are now."

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