Keys to the kingdom

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*Robs POV*

I sighed and went back to Joe who sat at the table.

"Nothing, right", he asked and I nodded.

"I don't think they come to catch us, Rob."

"No... no, don't think like that. I think that something's wrong."

"You think so", he asked and looked up at me.


"Well... who catched them up? Was it Austin?"

"Yeah I think so. But they promised us, Rob. They wanted to catch us up yesterday and they didn't come."

"What if something happened to their car? Or they had an accident?"

He sighed and shrugged.

"What if we try to call them through the walki talki again?"

"We could try it again but... I don't think they'll answer."

I nodded and went out of the room to my bunk. The walki talki lay on my bed. I took it and went back to the kitchen.

"Here we go", I said softly.

I pushed the button a few times before I finally managed to talk:

"Hello? Anybody out there? Mike? Austin? Brad? Dave? Where are you guys?"

No response. Joe took it out of my hand and did the same. No answer again.

"We'll try it later again, okay?"

I nodded and went to my bunk. I was half asleep when Joe stormed into the floor with the bunks. He shook me awake.


"Whaaaaaat Joe?"

He didn't stop shaking,


"WHAT THE FUCK? Stop shaking me", I muttered and sat up straight.


"What's with Mike?"

"He was on the walkie talkie!"

I jumped and stormed into the kitchen. Joe followed me.


"A few seconds ago!"

"Are you guys there? Hello? Joe"

Mike talked again. I sighed in relief when I heard his voice.

"Oh my god, Mike! Where are you? Are you okay", I half-yelled through the walkie talkie.

"Calm down, Rob. Yeah I'm okay. I'm driving in Austin's car. I'm going to catch you up! I'll be there in about fifteen minutes. Pack some stuff together and stay in the bus! A lot happened. I let you know when I'm there!"

"Okay Mike! Be careful", Joe said.

"Yeah yeah... See you guys then."

"So let's get ready", Joe suggested and I nodded.


"Hello? Joe? Rob?"

"Yeah Mike. We're ready. Shall we come outside?"

"Yeah. I'm waiting out of the car. Can you guys bring some water?"

"Of course", I said, took a bottle of water and went with Joe out of the bus. A few meter away, we saw a black big car. Next to the door stood a man, half Japanese, half American. Mike.

"Oh god, Mike", I said and ran forward to give him a hug. He had a huge smile on his face. As if we hadn't seen each other for months.

I pulled away and eyed him up. He looked terrible. His clothes were dirty and ripped, his hair was flattened on his head and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"What happened", Joe said as if he had the same thought as me.

"Too much", Mike whispered and I saw his eyes shining. He was about to cry. I hugged him and he started to cry. He sniffled softly in my shirt.

"A-Austin... kidnapped u-us... Dave, Brad, Ch-Chester... Jason.... r-r-raped...", he cried heavilier.

"Shh.. Mike... Shh calm down. You're safe. Nobody can hurt you."

He settled down a little bit, pulled away and brushed his tears away.

"D-Do you have the water", he asked and shivered.

"Oh yes. Here", Joe said and gave him the water.

He emptied the bottle in a few seconds.

"T-Thank you..."

"No problem. So come on I think you need some sleep."

"N-No... Rob we need to safe Chester and the other two", he said and went to the car.


"No... I'm fine. Chester is not", he said. My heart dropped at the image of Chester, alone, hurt...

"Mike you don't drive", Joe warned and ripped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah Mike. One of us is driving, not you."

"But... You don't know where to drive to."

"You'll tell me. So come on. On the passenger seat with you. I'm driving", I said and Joe agreed.

He sighed annoyed and switched the seats. We put our stuff in the back of the car and climbed in.

"Turn right and then you drive the most of the way straight", Mike directioned me.

I nodded and started the car. After a while of driving I heard Joe whispering.

"Look at Mike."

I did so and saw that he was sleeping. He was curled up in a ball and leaned heavily on the window. I smiled slightly and turned my view back to the road. We drove an hour before we arrived at a crossing. I already felt guilty because I knew I had to wake up Mike.

I stopped and faced Mikes sleeping form.

"Mike", I whispered and touched his arm. He flinched and shot awake. I jumped aswell but rubbed his arm gently, when I heard him breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry Mike... I really am but I need to know which turn I have to drive in."

He looked at me, his eyes were full of fear.

"Are you okay", I asked worried.

"Y-yeah... Uhm. Turn right."

I nodded and turned right.

"You're sure you're okay", I heard Joe asking Mike from the backseats.

"Mhh", he muttered.

"Okay... but if you want to talk just let me know, okay? You know you can tell us everything."

"Thanks", he whispered and then it was quiet for a while.

"Turn left", Mike said.

The streets became more busted and the landscape more like a desert again.

"Where are we", I asked Mike and gave him a weird look.

"I don't know but I know that we're right. We should be there in five minutes."

"Okay", I said.

And how Mike said. After five minutes we arrived at an old and big building. Something like a factory.

"We're there", Mike said.

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