Hit the floor

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*Mikes POV*

How Austin said, after ten minutes we arrived at a building. As the car illuminated the building I saw that it was old and it was in a bad state. It didn't look like a modern hotel. More than an old building that  nobody used. Maybe a factory. At first I thought we would drive further but then he parked the car in a parking lot, where the tar was broken and teared open. Little cracks made their way to the building. It was scary in a way.

"Austin", I asked unsure.

He didn't response and focused on the paking lot. I turned around and gave Brad and Dave a worried glare. They did the same. Dave shrugged.

"Austin? Where are we", I asked again.

His look was stubborn.

"Austin? Where the fuck we are?"

He turned around and started grinning. An evil grin. Something was up.

"Stop the car!"

He didn't answer and parked eventually. I imediately tried to open the door but it was closed. Panic rised in my chest.


"Why is the door closed?!"

"Why not", he said and grinned again.

"Open the door", I said seriously, trying to be calm.

"Let us out", Dave said and I heard that he tried to open the door.

"No", he said stubborn.

And then I know why he didn't open the door.

*Chesters POV*

The door slammed open again and Jason took my arm roughly and dragged me out of the door. I hadn't even time to stand up. My legs started to bleed again. He dragged me out of the room into a big hall. Then he dragged me out of the hall as well to a big parking lot. He let go of me and I crumbled down. I saw a black car standing in front of me but I didn't saw who was inside of it. What was wrong here?

"Look who we found", Jason said, next to him three other guys.

And then I saw two figures. One dragged the other one out of the car and they walked towards us. And all of sudden I saw who the two figures have been. Mike and... Austin Carlile?!

"M-Mike", I stuttered and saw his implausible look on his face.

"CHESTER", he yelled, got free out of Austins grip and ran towards me. He lifted me up from the ground and hugged me.

"Oh my god, Chester. What did they do to you? You look terrible, but I'm so happy you are still alive. I was so worried about you", he said and tears fell down my face.

And then two of the other band members, I didn't know who they were but I guessed they were new, went to the car and dragged Dave and Brad out of the car. But where were Joe and Rob?

"Chester", I heard them both yelling.

I was so happy I wasn't alone anymore. I was so happy I finally had the chance to hug my best friend again.

"Oh Chester", Mike whispered, his voice was shaking and I could tell he cried.

"M-Mike", I stuttered whispering.

"I- I'm sorry-"

"Shht. Chazzy don't talk right now. I have to be sorry. I didn't believe you and I regret it. I'm so sorry, please forgive me. But if not it's okay... I'm so sorry... I love you Chaz", he whispered and sighed.I pushed him away slight to look into his eyes. They were red and heavy.

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