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The last thing Owen Hunt thought he would be greeted with was an impaled woman when he walked towards the building, but there she was. He took in the lightweighted woman, calling for a gurney from the nurses station. Hunt saw the girl was going in and out of consciousness. "Get me an O.R. !" He shouted. "I'm the new trauma surgeon!" That got the nurses going quickly. He took the girl to the O.R. and they put her on anesthesia.

Owen was working on removing the icicle in fragments, when from up in the galley, he heard commotion. Hunt popped his head up, seeing Chief Webber, who he knew, and Derek and Mark, who he had no idea who either were.

"Whats going on up there," Owen raised his voice.

"Hunt, be very careful, because this patient of yours is far more than that," Richard began.

"Webber, I'm not understanding."

Derek spoke into the intercom. "Derek Shepherd, Head of Neurosurgery here. That down there is Doctor Emma Katherine Shepherd, my sister."

"And I am Mark Sloan, Head of Plastics, and that's, well it's complicated, but we're roommates."

"Emma is the girl I told you I was training to be Chief, who has promise in Trauma and Neuro," Richard finished.

With that, Owen felt his pressure triple. He was operating on the future of the hospital. Owen removed the rest of the icicle, when the monitors started beeping. "Shit, suction!" He yelled, and Boki suctioned the overflowing amount of blood. Then, she went into V-FIB. "300," he prepped the machine, "clear!"

It took 2 more times of shocking Emma Katherine's heart to get her back. She had intence damage to her large intestines, which Owen had to sew and staple. After 3 hours of being under, Emma's surgery was finally over.

It was 2 hours until she woke up, with Mark, Derek, and Webber by her side. "What the hell happened to me," she groaned.

"Well," everyone in the room turned, and saw Owen Hunt, who had began to speak. "I guess you were outside, then an icicle landed on you, and then I got to the hospital, and saw a pale brunette girl, laying in the snow, impaled. After that, you went into surgery. Your heart stopped, and it to 3 shocks to get you back, and I stapled and stiched a large amount of your large intestine, after removing said icicle, oh, and you had a pretty bad bleed."

"Dang, I wish I was there to watch thay happen," Everyone started laughing at Emma Kate. "No guys, I'm serious, like how often do we get someone who has been impaled by an icicle, because that's pretty awesome. Sorry I gave you a hard time..." Emma was struggling for the man's name.

"Owen, Owen Hunt, new Head of Trauma."

Suddenly it clicked in her head. "Ohhhhh," She said, "Dr. Webber is very happy to have you on board. This is my brother, head of Neuro, Derek, or Dr. Shepherd," She pointed to Derek. "This is my roommate and close friend, Mark Sloan, or Dr. Sloan head of Plastic Surgery." Mark waved. "Obviously, you know Chief, and I, I am E.K., or you can call me Emma, or Emma Kate, or Emma Katherine, or Dr. Shep," She finished, listing her nicknames.

Mark laughed, "or you can call her Emmie or Em," He knew she hated being called that.

"Shut up Mark," Both Shep and Webber said.

"So, I should probably check that wound," Owen said, hoping we wouldn't have to tell everyone to leave.

"I'm out," Richard said.

"Same here," Derek replied.

"Nothing I haven't seen," Mark smirked.

Derek pulled Mark away, "Come on you ass hat, no need to see my sister exposed like that."

Once everyone left, Emma Kate laughed, "Sorry about them, they're a protective bunch."

"Your tellin me, I'm probably not supposed to mention this, so don't tell anyone, but when you were in surgery, they were yelling at me to be careful, and about how you're the future of Seattle Grace, and you're related to neuro and plastics, and so, to be honest with you, I was scared shitless.

"One thing you'll learn about me, Doctor Hunt, I don't share secrets."

"Right," Owen cleared his throat. "Lets check the wound spot."

Hunt took off the large bandage, and cleaned it out with saline, not without noticing her abs though. Owen didn't even realize he was staring until Emma said something.

"Uh oh, how bad is it? I mean, staring at it is pretty bad," she went on.

"It seems to be healing well. I'm just a bit worried due to the fact that, well there isn't much fat, so you hurt your muscles pretty badly."

"Doctor Hunt, are you calling me skinny," E.K. chuckled.

Owen rolled his eyes, staring at the resident. "I guess you could say that. And I could say that recovery is going to be very painful because your muscles will bruise, so, you can't walk around all the time. I honestly think that it's best for you to stay here for a couple weeks, to ensure that you don't do anything to irritate it."

"But I'm gonna get bored. I won't get to work. And no one is gonna talk to me. And they'll stop calling me the German," Emma said all at once.

Owen gave her a funny look, "Ohhh you're the German. Wouldn't have suspected that. And maybe you need a break from work, seems to me like you're obsessed. And you'll have Derek, and Mark, and Webber, and when they can't talk, I will. I can also spread a rumor that you're a super mean patient, just so you can keep the German title."


"Of course."

. . .

The next two weeks went quickly, with Owen spending lots of time with Shep. He had began to grow feelings, which were highly inappropriate, no matter what Derek and Meredith, who had made up, said.

Owen had learned lots about Emma Katherine in the 14 days. He found out that the Shepherd's had watched their father die in a terrible robbery. He also now knew her favorite food is spaghetti, her favorite drink was sweet tea, her favorite color was periwinkle, she didn't like sweets, and that her and Mark Sloan were not a thing, despite what Mark said in the O.R. over the intercom.

Emma gave Hunt advice on how to win the nurses over, which Owen noted how much attention she put in with whoever she was with. Owen told her about how he went to war, and how his sister Megan was a prisoner of war, and she had still yet to be found. He also disclosed all the anxiety he was feeling abou his new trauma job, and Emma Katherine calmed him, in which he said if the surgeon thing doesn't work out, that she should totally go for being a therapist. He felt like he could be open with her, and her for him.

While they talked, they hadn't began to notice Mark and Derek watching them from afar. "He's going to date your sister dude," Mark said, matter of factly.

"I'd like to see him build up the courage. He seems to scared to do it. I think she would say yes though." Derek replied.

"Are you kidding? You think she'll say yes? She looks at that redhead like you look at Mer. I think this might be good for her, a real relationship. I mean, we all know I can't give that to her."

Derek laughed, turning back to his chart. "Very true, Mark. Very true."

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