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Addison and Cooper were examing the now unconscious Dr. Shepherd.

"Addi, I'm not sure, she hit her head pretty hard."

"Cooper, the C.T. came back fine. We just have to wait."

Sam knocked on the door, walking in without permission. "How's Emma?"

"Fine, minor concussion, she should wake up soon." And like a magic trick, Emma began to wake up.

"Hey, I fell," Emma said, causing the doctors to laugh.

"That you did. Not only did you fall, but you fainted," Addsion replied.

"Guys, lets get her into a nice paitent room rather than Cooper's office," Naomi said, the fellow doctors nodding their heads.

. . .

Dell and Cooper moved Emma's bed towards the paitent rooms. "You're very light Dr. Shepherd," Dell said shyly.

Cooper hit his arm. "It's probably because she is 5'2 and 120 pounds, Dell. She is literally like a little girl."

"Hey," Emma said, "I am not a little girl! I am a genious, and I am just miniature sized." Cooper laughed.

Sam walked with the two younger doctors, talking to Emma. "You sure you're feeling alright Emma?"

"Is the redhead gone?" She answered his question with a question.

"He's out getting coffee."

"Then I'm fine."

. . .

Thirty minutes later, Emma was napping, while Addison and Sam filled out paperwork.

Owen Hunt had gone to grab a coffee for himself, and a tea for Emma. It was to his suprise that the doctors wouldn't let him in.

"Look, Owen," Addison said, putting her arm on his shoulder. "Emma took a hard fall, and you're not going to help her stress levels. Maybe it would be best for you to come back tomorrow, when I'm sure she'll have forced us to let her get back to work."

Owen grew frustrated. "All due respect, but I need to talk with her. I'm not going to wait until tomorrow, because that's not what either of us need."

"Dude, as the founder of Oceanside Wellness, I think it'd be best if you will leave. Or we can have security take you out."

From outside her room, Emma heard commotion. She walked out to see what it was, and to her suprise, there was Owen Hunt. Not only was it Owen Hunt, but it was Owen Hunt arguing with Sam and Addison.

Owen looked up, and saw the pale brunette girl. More freckles spotted her face since he saw her just a few days prior. Her eyes were brighter as well, not as droopy as he remembered.

"Just leave it," Emma said before turning around.

Owen glared at Sam and Addison, then ran after Emma.

He got into her room and closed the door. "Come on Emma, are you really just going to ignore me?"

Emma scoffed at the redheaded man that stood infront of her. "It's ironic isn't it. You ignore me for weeks on end, and I finally take a break from my job, and you follow me! What do you want Owen? Why are you here?"

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