4. Qiqi

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A few weeks had passed since Zhongli had first met the Snezhnayan man. He would often seemingly disappear from Liyue for multiple days at a time, with nobody knowing his whereabouts, then simply reappear as if he had never left. Of course, Zhongli didn't mind. He, of all people, understood better than anyone that some things are better kept secret.

During these past few weeks, Zhongli had grown much closer to Childe, in fact, Zhongli could call the male a good friend, despite the short duration of time that he had known Childe for. 

Zhongli knew that Childe came from Snezhnaya, where he lived with his family of multiple siblings and parents. Zhongli had even met Teucer, Childe's younger brother. Zhongli had there learnt that Childe was deceiving Teucer. The male had been telling his younger siblings that he was actually a toymaker in Snezhnaya. Zhongli knew all too well from his behaviour that this was a blatant lie, however, in front of the orange haired male, he simply smiled and pretended to be surprised at learning his occupation. 


"And so, the great Rex Lapis defeated the 40 other gods, claiming victory and establishing Liyue..."

It was a clear, Autumn afternoon, with not a single cloud visible in the vast stretch of sky. Zhongli considered these the optimal conditions for a piping hot cup of tea. He seated himself at one of the most popular tea shops in Liyue, and sipped his lavender blend while listening to the tales of the storyteller. 

Zhongli's attention was diverted to the presence of somebody familiar nearby. He stood up, abandoning his seat and delightful tea. Zhongli spotted the figure of a certain orange haired man limping into Bubu Pharmacy, it seemed as if he had injured his left leg.

"Sir- sir! You have to pay before you can go--"

He immediately built speed and immediately headed towards Bubu Pharmacy to greet Childe. 


"Yes, yes, this should be fine. Thank you, Qiqi. Here's the payment, as promised, 13000 Mora."

13000? Zhongli stalked the front of the pharmacy, promptly listening to their conversation. How badly must've Childe gotten injured if the fee amounted to 13000 Mora?  

"what is Mr Zhongli doing?"

Zhongli turned around hastily, spotting the young Qiqi staring back at him with curiosity lacing her emotionless eyes.  Qiqi gestured for Zhongli to follow her. He did as she instructed, sitting down on the soft bench of the pharmacy's waiting room. Qiqi then left Zhongli alone in the room, and went to the back staff room.

The zombie girl returned shortly along with Childe and the owner of the pharmacy, Baizhu. The orange haired male was sporting multiple bandages covering his cheeks and arms.

"Mr. Zhongli! What are you doing here? Are you injured?" asked Childe, his azure eyes gleaming with concern for the male, as he sat down on a bench parallel to Zhongli's. 

"Ah, not at all. I happened to be nearby when miss Qiqi found me and told me to follow her. However did you get injured this badly?"

Before Childe could answer, his attention was drawn to Baizhu, who was now reprimanding Qiqi.

"Qiqi, that isn't very polite, you know.."

Qiqi hung her head low, disappointed by Baizhu's reaction.

"Qiqi only followed your instructions.." Came the girl's small, monotone voice.

The green haired man sighed, nudging up his glasses.

"I told you that I'd need to find someone to take care of you, not that you could go and harass strangers on the streets."

"Qiqi doesn't need a babysitter.. Qiqi has been alive for centuries."

"I know, Qiqi, but you're still in the body of a little girl. Your age doesnt make you any stronger."

Zhongli and Childe exchanged glances at the awkward situation, not knowing what to say. Baizhu who immediately noticed their interaction decided to change the topic.

"Ah, I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Zhongli, Childe. You see, the pharmacy has been extra busy lately. I need to go to Sumeru for a quick day trip to fetch some native voiletgrass that only grows there."

Zhongli uttered a sigh of understanding, a pensive look overtaking his features.

"Ah, of course. Sumeru is an extremely hot country. One would risk dehydration at twice the normal rate. I suppose Sumeru would be too hot for little Qiqi?"

Childe's expression morphed into one of pleasant surprise. He had heard about Zhongli's range of knowledge, but he hadn't expected the male to know about anything outside of Liyue. Baizhu, however, had been living in Liyue for long enough to not be effected by Zhongli's mannerisms. 

"That's right, so I need to find someone to take care of her--"

Before Baizhu could finish his sentence, Childe had already spoken up.

"It's fine, I can look after Qiqi for today, it's the least I can do after she healed me, after all."

Baizhu contemplated on the idea. Leaving Qiqi with a stranger he had just met didn't strike him as a great idea.

"Ah, I appreciate the offer, but I might just take her with me.."

"That won't do. Qiqi won't be able to handle the heat. Is it alright if I also look after her?"
 Zhongli piped in. He may get an opportunity to talk to Childe about his injuries if he offered to babysit Qiqi with him.

"Ah, well.. If you're going to be chaperoning... then I suppose it's alright.." Said the pensive Baizhu.



Word count: 876


Heyyy tysm for reading this chapter, tbh im not overly proud of this one, i feel like it didnt really have the ✨flow ✨ i was going for and had way too much dialogue..
i try to post a new chapter every other day, if not every day!
pls leave feedback and thoughts about this chapter and how i could improve it! 
i try to post a new chapter every other day, if not every day!

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