Nightmare 9

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What do you guys think? I drew that my self Megumi wearing Dabi's jacket and Dabi telling her to take the jacket off.

Anyway chapter 9 here we go!


"You have? Take me to her!" Touya told the guard while getting up and ran to the enterance to the castle to get a ride to wherever she is.

Megumi. . . I finally found you.

"Go to where Megumi is and make it fast. This is a hurry you have to get there." Touya ordered them.

They started to move and Touya kept a looked out of the window. He kept his eyes on his surroundings so if he needs to he will remember how to get there so he can go himself.

The ride was long and the more and more he was thinking that he'd never find her this far out if he didn't issue it was an emergency to find her, or if he was looking for her himself.

All of a sudden as Touya was looking out the window he saw a small boy with purple hair that was slowly fading into white. When the boy turned and his terquiose eyes shown Touya's eyes widened. "Stop the car!" He ordered.

The car immediately got put to a stop and Touya quickly opened the door and got out, looking at the boy in shock. The small boy looked up at him and smiled. "Hi mister are you lost?" The boy asked.

This made Touya even more shocked. His hair. . . His eyes. . . That smile. . . He looks exactly like me. . .

Touya didn't know what to say he only looked at the small boy speechless.

This made the boy confused. He moved his attention to the car and back at the man before him. He moved his arms so he could hold the basket he was holding properly. "Mister?" The boy spoke again.

Touya's flinched at the small boys voice as he looked at him. "I'm looking for someone." Touya spoke.

"Who's that?" The boy asked him.

"A woman"

"Yeah that narrows it down don't it." The boy said sarcastically.

Touya only gave a small chuckle to the boys sarcastic remark and looked at him. "She has long purple hair and dark pink eyes." Touya spoke.

The small boy raised an eyebrow at the description Touya gave. "Why you looking for my mommy Mister? Your royalty right? What's she got to do with you?" The boy asked.

"Please tell me where she is. I'll explain everything after you show me." Touya spoke to him.

The small boy sighed and nodded his head. "since it seems important why not." The boy stated and started to walk.

Touya followed him into a small village the people was looking at Touya with shock but bowing to him as he walked past.

"Asuta, tell your mom I said hello!"

"I will ma'am!" The small boy replied to the lady.

Touya looked at Asuta with a smile on his face. His name is Asuta huh.

As they both got the small house, Asuta opened the door and walked in. "Mommy I got the veg and there's a man that wants to talk to you." Asuta spoke.

Megumi turned to the boy and raised an eyebrow. All the men in village asked her on dates sure but she turned them all down so there is no way someone could try again. So she took the basket off Asuta and went to see who it is. When she went by the door and saw Touya her eyes widened and she moved back.

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