Custer 41 (uh oh)

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Faith's POV
Tayler came back to the room
Faith: why did you leave
Tayler: I had an important phone call to make
Faith: but you've never left the room to make a phone call before
Tayler: I promise there is nothing sketchy going on
Faith: okay, i don't know if I want to go out tonight
Tayler: what? Why?!
Faith: because I just don't want to I guess
Tayler: nooo babe you're coming
Faith: why are you getting so defensive it's not like anything important is going to happen
Tayler: ugh babe please
Faith: ugh
Tayler: fine whatever
My phone rang, it was Nessa
Nessa: hi love I know you don't have much time because of the kids but I was wondering if you'd like to come over for the night
Faith: ahh I'm not sure tayler could handle them both by himself
Tayler: heyy i can stay with them for the night go enjoy yourself
Faith: you sure?
Tayler: of course baby
Faith: ok ness I'll be there soon
Nessa: yessss can't wait to see you byee
Faith: me neither byee
Call ended
Time skip 5pm
Faith: babe I'm about to go to nessas are you sure you can handle them both by yourself
Tayler: of course don't worry, bye beautiful
Faith: bye babe, bye Payton, bye Paisley
She says picking them up and kissing there cheeks, before putting them down, the door closes and with that comes sniffles
Tayler: what's wrong buddy
He says kneeling down to his son
Payton: mommy gone
He says with his bottom lip quivering
Tayler: hey buddy mommy's not leaving she'll be back tomorrow I promise ok
He says opening his arms to signal for a hug in which Payton happily excepts
Tayler: how do you guys feel about pizza for dinner
Payton: yesssss
Tayler: what about you paisley?
He says as he doesn't hear the younger girls voice
Paisley: mhm
Tayler: what's wrong princess
Paisley: nothing
She says to ease her fathers mind but in reality her tummy was hurting, her head was spinning and she felt hot, suddenly her tummy flipped and her face went pale, she put her hands over her mouth as if to catch something, Tayler noticed, but it was too late projectile vomit everywhere on the floor, on herself even on her father, Tayler held her as he knew she would not react well to being sick
Tayler: are you ok sweetheart, daddy's sorry for not realising sooner
He says walking up the stairs with his daughter in hand
Tayler: let's check your temperature then get you in the bath ok
She replied with a small nod, she was very pale and had tears and snot spilling down her face, she was shaking, Tayler took off his shirt and went to grab a thermometer and some calpol from the medicine cupboard, rinsing the syringe and filling it half way with medicine
Tayler: open princess, say ahh
Paisley: ahh
He places the medicine in her mouth while placing the thermometer gently in her ear, swearing quietly under his breath when he saw the thermometer turn red, he took off her clothing and sat her down on the bathroom counter, whilst running a bath for his daughter who had now been covered in her own vomit
Tayler: are you ok baby
She nods reluctantly as she is gently picked up and placed in the bath which now had many bubbles in it
Tayler: Payton?!
Payton runs up the stairs being careful as to not miss a step and hurt himself
Payton: yes daddy
Tayler: your sister is not feeling the best at the moment would you be able to get her some toys for her bath
He nods leaving the room to come back with 4 toys which he could barely hold due to his small hands
Payton: here you go Paiswey
Tayler: good job buddy, that was really kind
He finishes bathing his daughter and wraps her up in a towel bringing her to his bed, he dries her off and makes sure to rub lotion over all of her body he later puts her into a diaper and makes sure it's secure to prevent any leaks he decides not to put any pyjamas on her as she already has a temperature
Tayler: here we go all done princess
Paisley: I'm sowwy daddy
Tayler: you don't have to be sorry baby daddy's not mad at you, In fact why don't I get pizza then we can get ready for bed
It was 6:15pm and Tayler promised to have them in bed by 7 so he knew in order to do that he had to get a move on, he got pizza and made sure to feed them carefully so they don't choke, he then put Snow White on the tv whilst going to shower and bathe his son and soon they were ready for bed
Payton: can we sweep in here wiff you daddy
Tayler: of course you can
He says placing them in bed next to him as they cuddled together and watched cartoons, a few hours went by until Tayler was woken up by the cry of his little girl
Tayler: hey shh shh it's ok baby daddy's got you
he says picking her up slowly not to wake her brother who was sleeping peacefully next to her, however her cries remained the same volume
Paisley: sickies daddy
Tayler now understood that his daughter felt sick
He brought her to the bathroom and not surprisingly the young girl threw up into the toilet all while still crying abs grabbing on to her father tightly
Tayler: hey Paisley it's ok I'm not leaving you ok just please calm down
She still wasn't calm and tayler knew if he wanted her to calm down he was going to have to be a bit more stern which he never wanted to do with his kids
Tayler: calm down princess or you'll have to sit in the corner for ten minutes
He says while giving her a stern look, she calmed down all except her body that was still shaking from her crying, he went to the medicine cupboard and gave her more medicine
Tayler: good girl
The younger girl smiled holding in to her father as they walked back to bed
Paisley: daddy
She said pointing to her diaper, Tayler assumed she had had an accident and was not surprised when he found out, he changed her into a new one throwing her old one into the bin in the bathroom, he put his daughter to bed making sure to place her baby pink pacifier in her mouth and checked the time in his phone 12pm, he picked up to call Faith unsure if she would even answer due to the time but luckily she did
Faith: hey Tay everything okay?
Tayler: um no I think Paisley has come down with something she's been throwing up and has a temperature I've given her medicine but she's restless
Faith: oh no do you want he to come home
Tayler: no I've got it under control just thought I should tell you, I'm score to go to bed tho baby
Faith: good night handsome I love you
Tayler: good night bub I love you too
Call ended

Faith's POVTayler came back to the room Faith: why did you leaveTayler: I had an important phone call to makeFaith: but you've never left the room to make a phone call before Tayler: I promise there is nothing sketchy going on Faith: okay, i don't...

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SUPRISE!! I know you guys are tired of me but you can't get rid of me, this is for those saying you want a chapter focused on tayler and Paisley

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SUPRISE!! I know you guys are tired of me but you can't get rid of me, this is for those saying you want a chapter focused on tayler and Paisley. Enjoy! ❤️❤️

Word count: 1251

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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