Chapter 22 (Baby Fever)⚠️

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I woke up at 9am and Tayler wasn't next to me, i checked my phone and i got a text from my mom saying her and Jay would be away for the weekend. I showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed into this outfit and hairstyle

I go into the living room to see Tayler cuddling with the puppies Taylers: *baby voice* i love you guys so muchFaith: awww Tayler you're going softTayler: what? no im notFaith: yes you are and its so cute Tayler: ok fine but look how cute they are...

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I go into the living room to see Tayler cuddling with the puppies
Taylers: *baby voice* i love you guys so much
Faith: awww Tayler you're going soft
Tayler: what? no im not
Faith: yes you are and its so cute
Tayler: ok fine but look how cute they are
Faith: aww they are so cute
i grab Chloe and sit on the couch next to Tayler and then i get a phone call from my aunt asking if i could babysit my cousin for a few hours and of course i was more than happy to do so
Faith: yayyyyy
Tayler: what's up?
Faith: im babysitting my baby cousin Chelsea today
Tayler: aww how old is she?
Faith: she is 9 months she is the cutest
I show him a picture of her

Tayler: awwww, she is so cute, can i babysit with youFaith: you would do that?Tayler: of course, just no dirty diapers please Faith: haha alright, thank you handsome Tayler: your welcome babygirl (Time skip 11:00)I hear the doorbell ring and i run...

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Tayler: awwww, she is so cute, can i babysit with you
Faith: you would do that?
Tayler: of course, just no dirty diapers please
Faith: haha alright, thank you handsome
Tayler: your welcome babygirl
(Time skip 11:00)
I hear the doorbell ring and i run to answer it and Tayler stands behind me, its my aunt and baby cousin
Faith: Hey aunt Julia, baby Chelsea
Julia: Hey Faith, thank you so much for doing this honestly, oh hey
Tayler: hey, im Tayler
Julia: hey im Julia, are you Faith's boyfriend?
Tayler: yeah i am
Julia: awww, anyway i have to go mow thank you again
Faith: no worries, go have fun give her to me
Julia: aww alright honey, here is her baby bag and here she is
Faith: thank you, when will you be back?
Julia: at 7pm if that's alright with you?
Faith: yeah thats fine
Julia: bye guys
Faith: bye aunt Julia
Tayler: bye
We go to my room and i take Chelsea out of her car seat, im holding her and Tayler just looks at her the whole time
Faith: why are you looking at her like that?
Tayler: she is just super cute
Faith: you can hold her if you want
Tayler: im good thanks
Faith: what's wrong handsome?
Tayler: I've just never held a baby before, and like what if i drop her or something like that
Faith: alright come here... now put your arms out like this... here you go, look your holding her
Tayler: *baby voice* aww hello bubba, you are so cute and fragile aren't you bubba
Seeing Tayler like that was so nice, i just knew that one day he would be a great father. He played peekaboo with her, and made her laugh until she fell asleep
Faith: here let me put her down
Tayler: wait i want to hold her
Faith: don't get too attached handsome
Tayler: i won't i just love her so much, its like she is my own daughter
Faith: awwww Tayyy you're so cute, you would make a great father one day
Tayler: aww, ok I'll put her down
We watch Netflix until we hear Chelsea
Tayler: i will get her
Faith: ok then
Tayler: aw you're awake bubba.. why are you crying.. don't cry bubba
Faith: aww i think she's hungry i will get her food wait here a second
Tayler: alright beautiful
I get her a bottle and warm it up slightly and when i go back, i hear Tayler say
Tayler: i love you bubba, i can't wait until me and your cousin Faith are older and have a baby just like you, i pretended not to hear him but it was so cute
Faith: im back
Tayler: here you go, you can feed her but after that we need to have family time, wait.. did i just say family time
Faith: yup
Some time goes by and we have fed her, relaxed and had "family time". Tayler was clearly exausted and he took a nap, i placed Chelsea, in his arms and took a photo and posted it on Instagram

Beautiful~Tayler HolderWhere stories live. Discover now