Chapter 33 (Meet them)

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We woke up to my baby boy crying, i picked Payton up and he immediately stopped crying
Faith: hey baby, are you hungry, do u want me to make you and your sister some food?
(Also the twins look like this)

~THE NEXT DAY~ We woke up to my baby boy crying, i picked Payton up and he immediately stopped cryingFaith: hey baby, are you hungry, do u want me to make you and your sister some food?(Also the twins look like this)

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(Also, in that picture, why does the boy look like he is about to inhale her 😂)
I picked paisley up aswell and took them downstairs, surprisingly, this is the first time, I've ever held Paisley without her crying. I make them some food and I go upstairs to see Tayler just waking up, he comes up to me and grabs Payton along with the baby blue bottle and starts feeding him
Tayler: good morning little man, good morning princess and good morning baby girl
Faith: good morning bubs
Tayler: I still can't believe that we have fucking twins
like I'm so shocked
Faith: same
We feed the babies and place them in their rocking chairs, keeping an eye on them as we get ready, after that we decided to get the twins ready into these outfits:

Tayler: they look so adorableFaith: we did thatTayler: aww Paisley looks just like youFaith: but Payton looks just like youTayler: what do you want to do today?Faith: we could go to our parents house and then stop at the hype and sway house so eve...

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Tayler: they look so adorable
Faith: we did that
Tayler: aww Paisley looks just like you
Faith: but Payton looks just like you
Tayler: what do you want to do today?
Faith: we could go to our parents house and then stop at the hype and sway house so everyone can meet them
Tayler: that's a good idea and plus my mom is at your house,
Faith: let's go
I packed a baby bag and we got the twins in the car to go to my house
Wendy: omggggggg!!!
Let's just say they absolutely adore their grandmothers and their grandmothers absolutely love them too and don't get me started on how much Jayden loved them 🥺
the sway house
Tayler: calm down bro
The rest of the sway boys start running down the stairs
Tayler: so anyone going to let us in?
Kio: oh yeah sorry
We went into the living room and left the twins in their car seats
Bryce: yooo, the boy looks like Tay and the girl looks like Faith
Josh: I love their outfits
Jaden: what are their names
Faith: the girls name is Paisley, and the boys name is Payton
Anthony: can we hold them
Tayler: yes, but make them cry and I will break your faces
Kio: ok, can I hold Payton
Bryce: can I hold Paisley
Tayler: no Bryce, you will accidentally hurt her
Bryce: no I won't
Tayler: ok fine
We spent a lot of time with the twins until we remembered that we had to go to the hype house
Tayler: oh shit guys we have to go to the hype house
Faith: oh yeah bye guys
The boys: alright bye guys
Noah: bye Payton and Paisley
Faith: lol
~Time skip~
We have got to the hype house and we knocked on the door
Addison: TWINS! Fucking twinsss!!!
Tayler: bitch you're gonna scare my children
Avani: ain't no way you pushed out those cute ass babies
Faith: yes way, now let me in
Charli: alright come in
Ondreaz: can I please hold the boy
Tony: can I please hold the girl
Tayler: you guys are scaring them
Faith: ok Ondreaz, here is Payton
Tayler: and Tony, here is Paisley now be careful with her she is fragile and she will not hesitate to cry really loudly
We have been hanging out with everyone and the babies for hours now and we decided to go home and put the twins to bed, we fed them and got them changed into these jammies:

Tayler: they look so adorableFaith: we did thatTayler: aww Paisley looks just like youFaith: but Payton looks just like youTayler: what do you want to do today?Faith: we could go to our parents house and then stop at the hype and sway house so eve...

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Faith: they look so fudging adorable
Tayler: ok, I thought having having babies was gonna be way harder then this
Faith: we're just lucky enough to have two that don't wake us up by crying every night
Tayler: my little man and my little princess
Faith: Payton Holder and Paisley Holder
Tayler: I can't believe you gave birth to them, thank you bubs
Faith: why?
Tayler: for bringing our beautiful babies into this world
Faith: don't thank me handsome
He gave me a kiss and of course Paisley starts crying until Tayler kisses her
Faith: she really wants you all to herself doesn't she, the selfish baby
Tayler: hey, that's my child
Faith: that's mine too
Tayler: haha, let's go to bed
We got into bed and cuddled

Thank you guys for all the birthday wishes, I wasn't expecting so many but like tysm because my sister is the favourite so like my parents just gave me my presents and then fucked off to hang out with her and I felt kinda left out because like it was my birthday too but like it's fine because my brother took me out to get food and to go shopping and when we came back from the mall, my sister was all like "WhY wAs I NoT iNvItEd" like bitch stfu  and also if u ever want to like talk to me my DMs are open 💕💕

Word Count: 856

Word Count: 856

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