Chapter 4 (Stay The Night)

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Im walking home and i hear someone yell my name so i turn around and its Tayler.
Faith: Fuck off Tayler
Tayler: Im really sorry i only saved my number as daddy for laughs i didnt mean to upset you
Faith: what, thats not why im upset
Tayler: what have i done beautiful?
Tayler: why?
Tayler: no i don't
Faith: dont lie to me
Tayler: i'm not lying Faith
Faith: who is Dixie then?
Tayler: oh my god
Faith: what?
Tayler: she is my crazy ex that is still obsessed with me
Faith: why did she say you're hers?
Tayler: she is literally obsessed with me we arent dating anymore, im sorry Faith
Faith: are u sure?
Tayler: I promise
Faith: dont be sorry im sorry for jumping to conclusions, this is my fault im so sorry
Tayler: It's not your fault its Dixie's fault if anything lol. Are we alright Faith?
Faith: yes, dont call me Faith it sounds weird coming from you lol
Tayler: alright beautiful, wanna hang out at the park for abit?
Faith: Yeah sure let me just text my mom that im gonna be abit late home.
Tayler: okay
I texted my mum that i was gonna be late home because i was at the park with a friend and she said ok. Me and Tayler sat on the swings and spoke about life and it started storming and raining heavily and i start tearing up.
Tayler: Faith are you ok? are you scared of storms?
Faith: please dont laugh but they really scare me and i want to go home.
Tayler: aww ok i will walk you home alright?
Faith: Okay thank you
we started walking and he took off his hoodie and let me wear it and then we finally got to my house, he insisted on walking me inside.
Mom: Hey darling who is your friend?
Faith: Mom this is Tayler, Tayler this is my mom
Tayler: Nice to meet you ma'm
Mom: Call me Sarah do u want to stay for dinner?I think it might be a few hours until the storm calms down but if u dont want to stay i can drive you home.
Tayler: Alright i will call my mom and tell her that ill be here for dinner.
Jayden: Hey guys, Faith who is he?
Faith: Jay this is Tayler, Tayler this is my brother Jayden
Tayler: hey
Jayden: hey oh Taylerrr
Faith: Jay i need to talk to you its an emergency
Jayden: what is that motherfucker doing here
Faith: turns out the girl wasnt his girlfriend but his psycho ex
Jayden: are u sure
Faith: yeah
Jayden: alright sis
we finish eating dinner and me and Tayler go to my room and sit on the bed. I hear knocking on the door
Faith: Come in
Mom: Tayler the storm doesnt look like it is going to calm down i think its better if you stay the night
Tayler: Are u sure im allowed to stay the night?
Mom: Yeah you are welcome anytime honey
Tayler: Thank you for having me Sarah, im just gonna tell my mom

Tayler POV: I was so excited to see Faith after school i really do think i like her, im glad that i got to spend time with her and meet her family and now im spending the night even just sitting next to her gives me butterflies.
end of POV

Faith: should we get into our jammies then watch a movie?
Tayler: aww
Faith: what?
Tayler: you call them jammies, that is so cute
Faith: omg haha
Tayler: anyway yeah sure but i dont have any pyjamas
Faith: oh yeah ummm
Tayler: its fine i usually sleep in my boxers if thats ok with you?
I was blushing even just thinking about him in his boxers.
Faith: Yeah thats fine i will get dressed whilst u pick a movie?
Tayler: sure
I picked out my clothes and went to put them on i decided to also get popcorn for the movie, as i walked back in to my room i saw tayler standing there in nothing but his boxers and i couldnt stop looking.
Tayler: Is everything alright?
Faith: umm yeah i brought popcorn, did u pick a movie?
Tayler: not yet i was waiting for you
Faith: aww thank you

Tayler POV: As i was taking my clothes off, Faith walked in wearing no make up a messy bun and short shorts with a crop top, she looked so sexy i realised that she was staring at me too so i think we was thinking the exact same thing about eachother, we sat in bed and i put my arm over her shoulder as we picked a movie.
Faith: thanks for not laughing about my fear of storms earlier
Tayler: no problem it was adorable anyway, oooh what about IT 2?
Faith: I get kinda scared when it comes to horror movies
Tayler: Im here with you dont be scared beautiful
Faith: ok
I played it and she wrapped her arms around my chest squeezing it everytime she got scared, I held her tightly too so that she knew i was with her the whole time
end of POV

Word count: 888

Word count: 888

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