☄️𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢 (𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕔)

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It was a hot summer afternoon. You and your best friend, Sunny, decided to spend some time together up in the treehouse.


Y/N followed Sunny as he led the way, looking up at the treehouse as they walked. Immediately, the nostalgia of this location hit them like a ton of bricks as the two started to climb the ladder.. that creaked rather worryingly.
Soon enough Y/N and Sunny had made themselves comfortable, both sitting rather close to one another in the centre of the small cluttered room. Though, there was something on Y/N's mind ever since them and Sunny had met up today, something didn't feel right. Sunny and Y/N were childhood friends, and so knew eachother almost as much as they knew themselves. Y/N found themself lost in thought, worried about their best friend who had seemed to much more distant than usual. However, this trail of thought was suddenly disrupted once Sunny spoke up.
"Hey... Y/N, can I talk to you about something?" Sunny said quietly, not looking up from his Gameboy, though it was clear he was looking at a blank screen and not playing anything.
" Of course, Sunny.. what is it?" Y/N asked, shuffling over to Sunny a little as they awaited his response.
Sunny let out a quiet sigh, pushing his Gameboy as he shifted his position, pulling his legs to his chest before speaking. "..Have you ever been in love, Y/N?" He asked, moving his eyes to look at Y/N's.
Y/N thought for a moment, looking away from Sunny's curious gaze. Feeling their cheeks heat up quite a bit, Y/N found themselves unable to response. Because.. yes, they had fallen in love, but they couldn't tell Sunny who. After all.. what would he do if he discovered it was him Y/N had fallen for?
There was a moment of awkward silence between the two, but surprisingly, Sunny decided to break it.
"I have." He said, even quieter than he would usually speak, shuffling further away so he had himself in the corner of the treehouse.
"Oh? Really?" Y/N responded, feeling happy yet jealous for whoever this person was. "So.. who is it?"
"I.." Sunny looked at the floor before continuing to speak. "I can tell you... But, I can show you."
Y/N gave a confused "huh?" At Sunny's comment, about to ask what he meant. However Y/N was cut off as they felt Sunny's lips very quickly touch theirs, giving them a quick peck before Sunny immediately retreated to his corner, hiding his seemingly blushing face.
It took Y/N a few moments to come to terms with what just happened, not even bothering to cover their flushed cheeks as they stared at a hiding Sunny in disarray. They gave out a small chuckle, before shuffling over on their knees to give Sunny a tight squeeze, pulling them from the corner as they did so.
"Sunny.. I never thought you had the guts to make the first move~" Y/N whispered jokingly, causing Sunny to push them away, a subtle embarrassed smile across his face.
"Yeah yeah..." He responded quietly, looking up at Y/N's E/C eyes lovingly, before speaking up once more. "Hey... I know this might be weird to ask, but.. wanna get some ice cream? My treat" He asked quietly.
Y/N gave Sunny a small smirk, getting up quickly as the two climbed down the ladder of the treehouse.
"I'd love to." The said, grabbing hold of Sunny's hand before rushing to the ice cream van. This truly was a wonderful summer afternoon.



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