☄️ 𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚕 (𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔) I

547 13 21

[ah fiddlesticks.. it's been a while... hasn't it??

Hey guys, due to a lot of people asking for another update, I have chosen to dedicate myself to updating this fabrication more often! i'll try my best, but please keep in mind mental health hasn't been the best lately and i've had an absolute tonne of work to catch up on, so please excuse me for this! i'm sure the omori memes (for the soul) can keep you incredibly entertained as i had to sell my soul to the omori gods to create that masterpiece 🥹❤️

anyways, I'll leave you to it.. i hope you enjoy the next chapter of Omori imagines!]


Your alarm jolted you into a state of awareness when it's noise filled your room at 07:00am... but you woke up at the early hour of 03:00am.

You had woken up so early for no apparent reason - there you lay, in the warmth of your bed, hoping that maybe you'll fall back to sleep in a moment or two... but that moment never came. So for the next hour, you scroll through your phone, but that only seems to make it worse because, the moment you put it back down you head is whirring with thoughts - it's clear that you're not going back to sleep. Because there's something that you cannot stop thinking about. You were already halfway through your summer holiday, and yet you hadn't heard, nor seen Basil once. You had called him multiple times, but he'd never pick up. Messages you sent were left read but never responded to, and questions you'd asked to your friends who knew of him came with the same sickening response "I don't know..." You wondered if maybe, something had gone wrong. Maybe he was in danger, maybe the bullying had picked up again... and at the thought of those things, all feelings of calm stopped together. The anxieties stayed with you as you watched the sun rise, as you heard birds begin to chirp to the morning sun, and even, until you heard that obnoxious alarm falsely ring you awake.

You turn it off immediately, and get out of bed as quick as you can, practically hoping that if you're fast enough, you could leave last night's anxieties in the bed without you. You have convinced yourself that today can answer all of your questions and solve all of your anxieties in one great swoop. Only thing is... in order to do that you need to find Basil. So you begin the search early, attempting to make this day life one from a low budget indie movie, a main character moment... (as you should.. slayyyy king/queen/royalty). You grab your backpack and fill it with everything you personally think you'd need to survive a day out in Faraway Town, and almost immediately leave your house the moment your dressed and ready to go (and you didn't even brush you teeth... you crusty scoundrel....)

The moment you open the door your eyes are flooded by sun, your body now submerged in mid-summer heat as you close the door behind you - no going back now, you think to yourself. You hear the faint laughter of kids playing in the park nearby, the slam of a ball hitting the ground, over and over again... the melody of an ice cream van passing your road, followed be a crowd of kids chasing it chaotically...feels like home. Just one thing is missing now, and that something is what you're attempting to find today. You immediately walk down your road, crossing empty roads as you do so, past rich green trees and running kids who seem to appear at every angle, you have to avoid bumping into them as they charge past. You take a few more turns, and before you know it, you're there: Basil's house. A house that feels more homely than your own, you get hit with a wave of nostalgia every time you walk past it... every part of it reminds you of old memories - the sleepovers you used to have, the parties, the dinners basil's grandmother would make for you (and the dinners hero insisted on making), the summer nights gardening... for a moment it makes you a little sad, a little fearful that maybe.. you won't have many of those again... maybe those sweet summer memories are meant to remain in the past.

You knock on the door, unsure what comes next, but hopeful that maybe you'll see that one special, familiar facing having no other choice than to look back at you. The door opens, and you are greeted with a familiar face, but not the one you had been anticipating. Basil's grandmother smiles warmly at you. It's a bittersweet look, one busy reminiscing on the past. Her eyes are glazy, and she greats you with a warm, sudden hug.
"It's been far too long, Y/N....." she says quietly. Her voice is a little quaky and, as you return the hug you're convinced she's holding back tears. She doesn't let go for a while and you don't plan on being the first one to part from it. Soon enough she lets go, wiping a tear away quickly as she looks away. "Would you like to come in, sweetie?"
"I'd love to... but i was just wondering..." you pause for a second
"Is Basil in?"

The smile on her face faces for a brief moment, before being replaced with a fake smile that came off looking more like a grimace "He's not, no... I've been oh so worried about him lately... he's been going out so often, but alone..." Basil's grandmother takes your hand for a brief moment, before looking for in the eye "Please find him for your old lady.. something's telling me he's not doing so well... but whenever I ask he goes to his room. I think he's more likely to speak to you, Y/N."

You feel a little bit of pressure weighing on your shoulders, it's up to you to make sure Basil's okay... and if not even his own grandmother can get him to spill (the tea), that's saying a lot, truly. But first, you retrieve you phone out of your pocket, and decide to call a friend - you may need one for some support.


[END OF PART ONE - Q. who should Y/N invite to the search?]

- sunny !
- kel !
- aubrey !
- hero !
- mari !

(basically you'll find that i've typed some names in the comment section - reply under the name you'd like to invite! I'll see which comment has the most replies, the most voted for character will join you on your search in the next part!)

hope you enjoyed, make sure to vote if you do.. AND ALSO, lemme know what you think of the new style! LOVE YA

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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