Chapter five

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"A- Ann-" I whispered almost inaudibly. This was too much...

But one feeling has been born in me. I needed to look for her, not to wait.

I couldn't ever forgive myself if I could let it be with hope. I needed her next to myself. In my head started a few scenarios of how I'll find Ann, hug her and she'll accept it, but... there were the ones, where I can't find Ann. What could I do?!

Thank God I stepped back to reality. I needed to know, that she's okay.

Although seemed strange how long she is there, I didn't want to admit it. Not in this lifetime.

"ANN!" I whispered. I tried to be loud, but it was hard because my throat was tightened and dry.

Yet, I was in anxiety and fear, but there was a feeling of need to do something in me. A feeling of sister love?

Although I didn't believe something like that is and although I thought it's real when I was really little, now the feeling came to life again.

I made the first step, then the second and I started to run toward the building's door.

I heard footsteps behind me. Lots of footsteps. I knew it was the girls.

I heard them saying something, but I wasn't able to recognize what.

And here we go, I saw the doors of the building in front of me, only a few meters.

I started to shake, not that I haven't before, but now I did even more.

I wanted to get rid of that weak, anxious feeling.

I just quickly took in my fist the door handle.

At that moment, nothing moved.

I tried lots of times to move with the stupid door, but they haven't moved even A LITTLE BIT...

They were locked, as for me in my fear. My fear was a locker, and I was stuck inside.

I wasn't planning on giving up. One time someone already took her away from me, I won't let it happen again. NEVER. EVER.

I was kicking the door, but they weren't able to move.

Ali, Nell, and Maggie came closer to me.

There was anger burning in me.

I was desperate and weak. I wasn't able to calm down, by the time it seemed to be almost impossible to keep breathing, I feel like I'll pass out...

Others were quiet, in meantime me still trying to move the stupid door. I felt the fire burning in me.

It was eating me... I never thought IT would be back... I was still praying THEY aren't here, but the chance was slowly disappearing with my power.

"Ann..." I whispered and slumped to the ground.

Girls hadn't what to say. They didn't know what to say. I couldn't blame them at all, I wanted peace. WITH MY SISTER...

Nell sat down next to me on the ground and hugged me tightly. I wasn't reacting.

I hoped it's all a nightmare and I'll get back to the dream, the thing, that seemed like a dream, but was reality.

This was hell on the Earth. I wasn't able to hold my tears anymore.

This was impossible. I left them free to go...


No, this was a nightmare.

I was looking somewhere, I don't know where.

I wanted to wake up NOW. It wasn't possible to lose her again... this time we couldn't be so lucky to get her back as we did last time.

This was a horrible feeling. I wasn't able to do anything with it.

At that moment I could cut with a knife the silence between us. I wasn't able to lose Ann! NO!

I felt desperate.

I was about to pass out when I heard a voice... it was a man's voice, it was unknown...

But then I've heard more voices of men.

They were repeating in my head again and again.

Nell stood up at the same moment as I did.

I followed the voices, it was almost impossible to hear them.

Then- I've seen THEM...

I've seen THEM holding Ann's helpless body...

At this moment, I have forgotten how to breathe...

I calmed up a bit, as I've seen Ann's chest moving, like a signal she's breathing...

Kinda creepy, don't you think?

I hope you liked this chapter!

Stay safe and healthy! 🌹🖤

- Your Dangerous Mystery

{Published 5. 4. 2021}

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