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"Tell me pretty lies
Look me in the face
Tell me that you love me
Even if it's fake
'Cause I don't fucking care, at all

You've been out all night
I don't know where you've been
You're slurring all your words
Not making any sense
But I don't fucking care, at all

'Cause I have hella feelings for you
I act like I don't fucking care
Like they ain't even there
'Cause I have hella feelings for you
I act like I don't fucking care
'Cause I'm so fucking scared"

I look around me. Why was I back on the island? Shrugging, I begin to walk, looking around me. I still enjoyed the view.

"Rhine!" I hear a voice yell, making me spin around.

"JAMES!" I yell, grinning widely. It's when I see him tied up against a rock that I freeze up, looking around in uncertainty.

"Rhine." When I look to my right, I see Raoul, who's pointing a gun at James, who's on my left.

"Raoul, no!" I shout, taking off in a sprint. When I almost reach James, I run into an invisible wall, making me bang my hands against it angrily.

"JAMES!" I scream, tears streaming over my face.

"You'll never be able to save him." Raoul says, aiming the gun.

"Rhine." James draws my attention, the sight of him blurry because of my tears.

"I love you." He says, blue eyes meeting mine.


"JAMES!" I scream hysterically, watching his body go slack.

I wake up with a gasp, bolting up into a sitting position.

"Whoah, easy there." I hear someone say. Only when I look around at the wooden walls, I realize it was just a nightmare. Sighing, I go with my hands through my hair, forcing myself to take deep breaths, my heart beating like crazy.

"Are you okay?" Only now, I realize Raoul had been talking to me, his large hand on my back to comfort me.

"I'm fine." I mutter, not quite able to push the image of him killing James out of my head. Exhausted, I fall back onto my back, not caring that I'm currently squishing his hand.

"Another nightmare?" Raoul asks me, lying back down as well.

"Yeah." I scoff, closing my eyes. This was all his fault. It had been years since my last series of frequent nightmares.

"You seem to have those a lot." He mutters softly.

"You are the reason I have those nightmares." I mutter angrily, unable to help myself. He remains silent at that, while I let out a deep sigh after that. I wasn't one to get mad easily, but Raoul managed to get on my nerves so quickly that it wasn't normal anymore.

"I'm sorry you have nightmares because of what I did to you." He mutters, a twinge of hurt sounding through his voice.

"Raoul, I-"

"It's okay, I understand. I'm going to take a shower." He interrupts my pitiful attempt to excuse myself, getting up and walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. It doesn't take long before I hear the water pouring out of the shower head.

Wait a sec. Did he just leave me all alone? I get up as quietly as I can, tip toeing out of the room after I scan it. No keys a bit of luck, the door would be open, and I'd be able to escape! It was risky and the chance that it was in fact open was really, really small, like ridiculously tiny small, but maybe, just maybe, I'd be lucky for once.

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