the house of the rising sun

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'There is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one'

Currently, we're walking on the island. It was deserted, not one person in sight, and I was fascinated by the sight of it. It was utterly quiet, making it feel like an ancient city from the past. I was too busy staring to hear what James and the woman were talking about. The island was beautiful.

Suddenly, I shake awake from my staring, seeing the woman being led away by some of the guards. Oh boy, that couldn't be good. Although I'm beginning to feel a little wary, I keep my face uninterested, like James had taught me. I flinch when one of the guards suddenly grabs my arm, dragging me along in another direction than the woman. When I notice James is being forced to follow me as well, I can't help but sigh in relief. As long as he was with me, I'd be fine.


A while later, we're tied up to two chairs, seated in a room full of all kinds of high tech stuff I didn't understand shit about. All I knew was that it looked very complicated, and that this meant we'd found our guy. I still had to find out why James thought it was a good idea to let them tie us up, when we were the ones who had to capture a criminal. As if reading my mind, James glances over at me.
"I'm sorry." He mutters, regret sounding through his voice. He had always been very protective over me, so being unable to do anything while I could easily get hurt seemed to hurt him.
"Don't be, I'm having a great time! Don't you see that I love it here? Being tied up makes it even better." I say with a smile, the sarcasm dripping off my words.
"No talking!" One of the guards barks. I roll my eyes, turning to look in front of me.
"We'll get out of here, don't worry." James whispers before doing the same, turning silent.

Sighing, I put on the most bored and uninterested look I can manage. Luckily, it's one of my specialties, the many disastrous dates I'd been one having trained the skilled expression I have right now. Suddenly, a noise sounds through the room, the elevator that's against the wall opposite us slowly making it's way down. I watch it attentively, as does James. The doors open with a 'ping', a man getting out. It must be the one we're looking for.

"Hello, James. Welcome." The man speaks up, making his way over to us. He has a strange voice, soft and deep, a foreign accent sounding through. I kind of like the sound of it. Immediatelyn I mentally kick myself for thinking something like that. The guy was tall, with blonde, nearly white hair and a pair of the darkest eyes I had ever seen. The dark trousers, white dress shirt and white blazer suited him, making him appear even broader and taller. I had to admit that I was a bit intimidated.
"Do you like the island?" He adds, not once looking at me. I was a bit offended by him straight ignoring me, but then again, it was probably better this way, so I stared off into the room instead. I didn't really pay attention to his story, which was something about his grandmother who owned a island but had a rat plague. It was a bit creepy, but was supposed to say something about James and himself.

"I made my own choices." James argues, calm as always. It made me smile the tiniest bit, James always knew what to say. I nearly sigh in frustration, unable to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Stupid enemy to enemy conversations. I had never been someone who could sit still for longer than a few minutes. Suddenly, Blondie - I have no idea what his real name is - chuckles at something James said, sitting down on a chair that's placed in front of us.
"You still put your faith in that woman, when al she did was lie to you?" Blondie asks with a smile. I glance up at him when I hear that. Apparently he didn't really like M so much. Well, it appeared we finally had something in common. She put up the 'innocent, old lady'-act a bit too well for me to be fully able to trust her. After all, she became the leader of a secret spy organisation for a reason, and I don't think it was because of her kindness. When you added the history I had with her, it wasn't hard to understand why I didn't like her...

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