Chapter 1

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Nashi's POV

'Oh good. You're awake', an old woman said.

I found myself in a room, laying on what looks like an infirmary bed. My head and right arm felt broken. 'You probably feel tired. Here drink some water ', the old woman handed me a glass of warm water. 'To heal takes up stamina. It is very important that you have energy ', she told me.

Before I could ask what happened to me, the door opened with a huge SLAM! .Two men walked in. One looked like a homeless man, who looked like he never got a wink of sleep in his life, while the other looked like a place guard, but with a friendlier face than his companion.

'Oh wonderful, you're awake. We are hoping you'd answer our questions about the recent attack. After that, you can go and mind your own business, the homeless-looking man said.

The old woman beside me tutted. 'Eraser, the poor girl just woke up, give her a moment to breathe.'

His companion sighed and held out his hand. ' I am really sorry about how he is acting. I am Detective Tsukauchi, and this is pro-hero Eraserhead. I know it is the wrong time to interrogate you, but we wish to know what were you doing inside the building the villains attacked '. 

What the hell?!

Recovery Girl's POV

The girl clutched the blanket that kept her warm. Her eyes darted around in confusion. I sighed inwardly. ' She hit her head hard, Tskauchi. Your questions can wait later ', I told him.

Eraser's jaw clenched. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. 'What do you mean I was in a building when villains attacked?', the girl asked softly. We stared at her.

'Girl, you were found under a pile of rubble in the building where the villains attacked and held civilians hostages', Eraser told her. 'No that's not true I was with Iggy and the others', her voice trailed off. After a moment of silence, she spoke up. 'Where are my brother and Luna? Whe-where am I?'

'You're in Recovery Girl's office. And no, we did not find your brother or your sister, though the heroes will keep searching.'

'Who is Recovery Girl?'

'I am Recovery Girl, child', I told her.

'Where is your office?'

'Here, in Mustafa, Japan'


'Yes, child. Japan.'

"Where-Where', she hesitated. 'Where is Japan?', she asked. We were startled by her question. How does she not know where is Japan? 

'On Earth, kiddo. On Earth.'

Nashi's POV

'You mean, this isn't Earthland?'


Me: There goes another cliffhanger. Why do I have to do another chapter explaining the BNHA world to Nashi?

Brain: You are lazy. You have to write another chapter. You broke your promise to the readers.

Me: I know I know, I promise I will write another chapter soon.

Brain: Don't break it


Me: Yes. I will write another chapter soon... If my brain thinks of any good ideas.

Brain: DON'T BLAME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: ( Ignoring my brain) Ik this chapter was boring. But I promise the good part is coming up soon. Nashi will meet someone very familiar.

Brain: DON'T GIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

Me: SORRY!! Anyway, see you later my heroes and fairies!!!

Y/n: She is weird.




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