Chapter 3

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Lizzie had received a phone call from Sam. It had now been 6 months since her grandfather had given him the shield. He had explained that he was giving it up and placing it in the museum with all the other artifacts that had been Captain America's over the years. He wanted her to come to the ceremony, there were people he wanted her to meet. The government had found out who she was, to them she was just Steve Rogers's granddaughter, they knew nothing about her super strength.

She showed up to the ceremony and watched them place the shield in a glass cabinet. Sam gave a speech; she had been asked if she wanted too and she had declined. She still wanted to remain hidden to the world. She would keep that promise. Sam introduced her to Rhodey. They walked to where the shield was to be placed. It was next to Steve's suit. Lizzie stared at it. The shield was one thing, she grew up with it, but to see the suits were totally different. She could hear them talking behind her, but she didn't listen, she was lost in thoughts of her grandfather, and how much she missed him. They started walking around the museum, the sheer amount of information and videos about him shocked her. Rhodey said his goodbye and it was just Sam and Lizzie.

"He never brought you here?"

"Nope, he told me stories and that was it." Sam thought she looked angry when spoke next. "Why are you giving up that shield?"

"It's a heavy legacy. Big shoes to fill." Sam replied, not really looking at her and shrugging his shoulders slightly.

She turned on him then. "Don't you think I know that. He trusted you with his legacy, my legacy, my family legacy. And now it's in a glass box!"

Sam held his hands up. "Hey, look I'm doing what I think is right, for everyone."

"And you made this choice without even a phone call to me. Jesus you didn't even ring me till you had made the decision. I was an afterthought."

"You were not an afterthought! But he left that shield to me, not you."

She took a step towards him then; she could feel the anger inside her. "Fuck you Sam. You know why he didn't give me that shield."

"I do. Shit, look I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to say that."

"I know, I'm sorry too. It's just hard to see all this."

Sam placed his arm around her shoulder then. He got it, hearing stories is one thing, seeing all this is so much more. He wanted to ask her about Bucky. He hadn't heard from him and wondered if he was doing alright. They weren't friends but he mattered to Steve and he felt like he should at the very least ask after him.

"Hey, have you heard from Bucky?"

"Not for a few weeks. He went quiet on me."

Sam looked at her, her body had seemed to tense at the mention of Bucky's name. "Did something happen between you guys? You seemed to be really close."

She moved away from him and started heading to the door. He followed her and saw a guy waiting for her. He had pulled her straight into his arms and kissed the top of her head. Sam approached them.

"Sam, this is my boyfriend Dan. Dan, this is Sam."

Sam shook hands with Dan. "Nice to meet you man."

"Likewise. Hey, aren't you that Falcon guy?"

Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"I am, yer."

"Wow it's nice to meet you. How do you guys know each other?" Lizzie didn't know what to say, thank god for Sam.

"Lizzie has helped out a few friends of mine."

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