Chapter Nine: The Locker Room

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Mia opened her eyes and gazed up at an unfamiliar ceiling. As she blinked the sleep from her eyes, she forgot where she was, but then the memories of the day before flooded her mind. She sprang up from the queen-sized bed and cupped her flushed cheeks with her hands. Gavin's face appeared in her mind. Even though she did not understand why he married her, Mia knew he did so for a reason other than what he revealed. She ran her fingers through her hair and frowned. Her heart trusted him, but her mind doubted him. She remembered Phillip's words about the four families being dangerous. Gavin had lied to her about his identity, yet he claimed he did so to protect her. 

The rose-colored comforter slid off her legs when she slipped out of bed. She smoothed her hair out of her face before she glanced around the room. The gray walls were embellished with tiny white birds, magnolia trees, and red tulips. Light shined through the half-opened curtains, banishing the shadows away from the delicate cherry-wood furniture. Mia walked toward the large window and gazed out to the city below, which sparkled in the morning light. 

Mia leaned against the wall near the window and wondered if she had made a mistake in marrying Gavin. They had only met each other a few times, but Mia told herself that her thoughts were foolish because she had no choice but to marry him. She felt disgusted with herself for doubting him, but the small voices she struggled to silence whispered their venom in her mind. If Gavin really did tire of her, would he divorce her? The only male example she had in her life was her father. 

"Stop it, Mia," she chastised herself with a harsh whisper. "Gavin would never act like him." 

She sighed and walked to the bed to unplug her phone from its charger. She really wanted a picture of Gavin to save to her contact list, but she was lying to herself because she wanted to stare at his picture whenever she missed him. He should have some sort of social media profile. Mia searched online using his name, but she could find nothing about him. She looked up his company and still could not find a picture of him. Mia thought it was strange that he owned a company but did not have an online presence. She tossed her phone down and rushed to gather the clothes she would wear to class. 

After a quick shower, styling her hair, and putting on her make-up, Mia picked up the wedding bands she had set on her nightstand the night before. Should she wear them on campus? She was a married woman now. Plus, Gavin might take it the wrong way if she refused to wear them the day after their wedding. Mia slipped the wedding bands onto her ring finger.

She only had to put on her lipstick then she would be ready to go. As she dug through her purse, her hand brushed against something cold. She gazed down at a small gold locket. Was this her birth father's locket? When had her mother had time to put it in her purse? Mia shook her head and dropped the necklace back into the pocket she found it in. She would think about that later. She had to hurry, or she would be late catching the bus. 

Mia grabbed her purse and rushed out of her room. When her stomach grumbled, she immediately strode to the dining room and smelt something delicious. She stood in the doorway and saw Gavin sitting at the table drinking coffee while reading an article on his tablet. He glanced up at her and smiled. Mia felt little butterflies dancing chaotically inside her stomach. 

When his eyes traveled down the length of her, a shiver of pleasure rushed over her. She wore a pair of black tights and a red blouse with a cute strawberry print, accentuating her curves. Her face felt flushed, and she told herself to calm down as she walked over to him. 

He asked, gazing up at her, "How was your night?"

Mia pulled out the chair next to him and sat down. "I slept well. How about you?"

"I did as well."

Mrs. Graves stepped out from the kitchen with a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns. She set the plate and a glass of orange juice in front of Mia before disappearing into the kitchen. As Mia quickly ate, Gavin sipped his coffee. 

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