Chapter Two: Choices

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Mia stepped out of the taxi and paid the driver. She closed the car door and waited for the taxi to depart her parents' house. She watched the car lights disappear down the street. Mia turned away from the road to gaze up at the dark, menacing house, which loomed over her. Her feet felt heavy as she trudged toward the front door. Her fingernails dug into her purse strap. Mia wished she were in her dorm room and in her warm bed. There was a chill in the air on the crisp October night, yet Mia shivered not from the frigid temperature but from the icy fear that had held her captive since the phone call this morning.

Opening the front door, Mia stepped into the dark foyer and then closed the door behind her. As she walked through the darkened hallway, faint voices drifted throughout the house. Light came from the kitchen and dining room. She passed by the photographs displayed on the wall and closed her eyes. She did not want to see her or her family's smiling faces. Mia wanted to run from their situation, but she could not live with her parents' deaths.

Mia opened her eyes, stepped into the dining room, and met the gazes of her mother, father, and the loan shark, King Bennett. Mia set her purse down on a chair and then sat down next to her mother. Once seated, her mother wrapped her fingers around Mia's wrist as though she intended to keep her from leaving. Instead of commenting on her mother's odd behavior, Mia glanced at her mother's face and saw the fear in her eyes.

Her father's stern face drew her attention away from her mother. Even though he had never shown her any affection as a child, Mia felt he loved her. He must regret putting them through this. His greying blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin were so different from how Mia remembered him as a child. She had always thought he looked stronger than her friends' fathers, but now, she realized that her memories of him were all lies.

King sat with his back straight, and his fingers intertwined on the table. He wore a chestnut brown pin-striped suit with a white tie. His black-framed glasses swallowed his pale face while his brown hair was cut short and simple. He was an ordinary man that would never draw suspicion from another person. Mia would have never thought that this man was a loan shark working for the Rossi family.

King pulled out a few documents and then set them on the table. He cleared his throat before he said, "Mr. Weller, before we start, I would like to say that my employer has decided to be merciful."

Robert Weller nodded and then responded, "I am very grateful that your employer has given us this chance."

King picked up the first paper. He said, "There are three options that you may choose from to pay back the $500,000 you borrowed over five years ago. I understand from your payment history that you had kept up with your payments on the interest until recently. Why is that?"

"The recession. My wife and I own a successful jewelry store. I borrowed the money to expand my business. Over the last year, we could not sell very much. I have had to let people go to keep my business from going bankrupt."

"We missed three payments. We have been trying to survive over the last few months," Mia's mother, Kayleigh Weller, added.

"I see," King said. "My employer has produced three options for you. Once you choose an option, you will no longer owe any money."

"And if we do not choose?" Kayleigh asked.

"You do not want to ask that question," King responded with a deep frown.

"We will choose one," Robert stated.

King nodded and then said, "The first option will be for your entire family to move to Brazil and work for one of my employer's businesses. If you choose this option, all your possessions will belong to my employer. You will work for my employer for twenty years. Then, after twenty years, they will free you."

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