Chapter 26

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"What's the deal with you and Dunceface?" Bakugo asked leaning forward

"Well, we're friends, BOYfriends to be more specific," He said making my face go red

Bakugo shut his mouth, Mina was giggling, and Shinso smiled, "Tsu, truth or dare,"

"Truth," She said

"How long is your tongue, I'm genuinely curious," He asked

"I'd say around 20 meters," She said placing her finger on her chin, "Though I haven't actually measured,"

"Damn, that is sick," He said

"Hmmm, ok truth or dare," Tsu thought for a moment, "Midoriya,"

"Dare," he said resting his head on his knee

"Let everyone go through the pictures on your phone," She said with a mischievous smile

"Ok," Midoriya pulled his phone out of the pocket in his shorts and unlocked it setting it on the floor allowing us to look through it.

Everyone gathered around as Tsu took the phone and started scrolling pausing for a bit on each picture. Most of his photos consisted of pictures of heroes in action, class notes, and the Dekusquad. The occasional selfie finding its way into the mix, "Oooh, wait, wait there's a video, I saw a video," Mina said, excitedly shaking Tsu's shoulder

"You guys really don't have to play that," Midoriya said laughing nervously

Tsu stared him in the eyes and pressed play.

The video started off with a flash of yellow and black

Deku: Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Aizawa wait!

Aizawa: I don't have time for your interviews Midoriya

Deku: Come on please, just three questions, how do you move so fast in a sleeping bag jeez

Aizawa: Go bother someone else, like Mic or Midnight

Deku: Ugh fine, but I will come back later

Static filled the screen then color showed up again, this time Midoriya was running towards the English hall.

Mic: Well, heeEEyYYYY Midoriyyyyaaaaa, you need something?

Deku: Do you mind if I ask you a few questions


The video continued along with him interviewing different teachers and some of our peers.

After it ended Midoriya snatched his phone from Tsu, "I think that's enough,"

(325 words)

Yooooooo! So the next chapters might be a little weird bc my school is starting a new schedule. BUT I do end school on May 28th so only two months left :)

-your student author, ace <3

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