Chapter 19

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The two went into the coat closet and Mina set a timer, I cuddled up to my boyfriend and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

The seven minutes passed sooner than expected, the timer rang and Mina got up to open the door, she flung it open to see a very flustered Midorya and a worried Totdoroki trying to cool him down.

"Jeezus are you alright you look like a cherry tomato," Sero asked

"Correction, he looks like Kirishima's hair," Tsu said looking up from her phone

A couple of people laughed and they sat down, next to Deku was Sero, "Sick it's my turn,"

He spun and it landed on Mina, they both laughed and went into the closet, "So, what happened in there Deku?" Uraraka asked in her usual cheerful tone

"Uhhhhh, n-nothing," He said tripping over his words. Judging by how close they were, something had defiantly happened.

A couple more minutes passed full of memes and pestering then we heard some giggling coming from the closet and everyone went silent except for some music that we had put on.

Kiri began quietly counting down from ten signalings that it was almost time to open the closet.

"3," he whispered walking over to the closet positioning his hands to open the closet, "2, 1,"

When he opened the closet Mina was keeled over holding her stomach, her face hosting a giant smile and tears flowing from her eyes and Sero was wheezing slamming his fist onto his knee.

"Umm, are you two ok?" Todoroki asked genuinely concerned

Sero tried to walk and ended up collapsing into a mess of laughter and tears, Mina managed to catch her breath for a second or two and said, "Not at all," before continuing to violently giggle.

"Chile, anyways," I said scanning the room, I then realized it was my turn

I spun the bottle hoping it would land on Shinso, and of course, like any tv show, it did.

I stood up earning a smug look from Mina, Shinso stood up as well following me into the stuffy coat closet.

(350 words)

Hellllooooo! Good morning, good afternoon, or goodnight whenever you are reading this I hope you have/having/had a good day:)

-your very energetic author, ace<3

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