Chapter 30

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(I can't remember if they're inside or out so imma just say they're inside rn)

"Alrighty, Uraraka, truth or dare," Tsu asked whilst Bakugo continued to rub the, what he called 'frog slobber' off his face.

"Oooh, dare!" She said with a little too much enthusiasm

"Ok, I dare you, to dress up Denki in whatever outfit you can find then show it to us!"

I looked over at her, "Me?"

"Yes, you," Tsu had a smug look on her face

"Okokokok, but, you two," She gestured to Tsu and Mina, "Are going to have to help me out!"

"I'm down!" Mina exclaimed, tsu giggled and nodded

"Alright! Let's get this party rollin'!" Uraraka said, they all looked at me then picked me up and carried me down the hall, to my room. Slamming the door once the four of us were inside.

"So, what do we have in the wonderful closet of the denk-meister?" Mina asked throwing open the doors of my closet

The three girls rummaged through and threw articles of clothing on the bed until they were satisfied. They then looked over to the pile and talked amongst themselves for a few minutes.

"Umm, are you guys gonna pick an outfit or something?" I asked

"Hush hush, my yellow child, we shall decide on your look in just a moment," Uraraka said pressing her index finger up against my lips.

I nodded and backed away, "The council has decided!" Mina yelled violently turning to face me, "This," Tsu handed me a lump of clothing, "Is what you shall wear, go now, put it on, make haste little one,"

I nodded again, slightly terrified, and stepped into my bathroom to change, locking it behind me. I looked at the clothes they gave me.

- A soft yellow, mid-thigh length skirt

- A white sunflower shirt with sunflowers on it

- Black and white striped knee-high socks

- And an oversized yellow cardigan

I sighed and put it on, knowing I would, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FABULOUS, HELL YEAH DUDE!

I exited the bathroom and showed off the outfit to the girls, "You look stunning! I'm proud of our work!" Uraraka said high-fiving both of them, "Now let's go show the boys,"

They dragged me back down the hall and I stood in front of the group while the girls posed behind me with jazz hands.

Shinso clapped, "Nice," He said with a little snicker, "Love the skirt dude,"

"Why thank you, I happen to like it very much myself," I said smugly

I took my seat next to him and he leaned over, "You look hella hot right now," He whispered

My face flushed, "Th-thanks,"


Damn, that took me a while to get out. Anyways, I finally finished my Haikyuu t or d book so you can go check that out if you want, (it was my very first story) On another note. Back in May, I had a narrative assignment based on the holocaust and I made the main character Eren Jaeger so let me know if I should post it as a singular one shot. It's actually pretty well written I got an A on the assignment[insert smug face here]

-your very tired author, ace

it won't let me freaking stage them but this chapter was suggested by

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