Chapter 4

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Mr. Aizawa walked out of the building and I slid down against the wall and continued to cry into my hands.

God, I really am pathetic. 

I sat there for a few more minutes on the cold concrete floor. I could barely see anything with tears clouding my vision.

I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Kami! why didn't you tell us," A girls voice yelled, probably Mina

I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me, "No wonder you've been acting weird," Sero said

"I'm fine you guys don't worry about me," I lied

"Yeah right," I looked up and saw Shinso, "the truth says different,"

At the sight of him, I blushed. Damn, he's so hot.

Tears were still flowing from my eyes, "OI DUNCEFACE," Bakugo yelled from the entrance of the corridor.

"Come on Bakubro it's not the time for this right now, you can yell at him later we need to get back to class," It sounded like Kirishima was trying to hold Bakugo back

I heard crying next to me, "Uhh, Mina are you ok,"

She sniffled, "I was really worried about you, you know," Mina hit my arm, the punch landing on a bruise, "Those scars and bruises could have never come from just 'fooling around,"

"Yeah, why didn't you tell us," Sero said, "I-I didn't, I didn't," I took a shaky breath, "I didn't feel it was important to mention, with all of the villain attacks and stuff," 

"BULLSHIT, THAT IS S-" "Bakugo, that's enough come back outside," Kirishima said covering his mouth and dragging him out of the building 

"God, this school really needs a counselor," Shinso said

~Time skip~

"Alright, bye guys see you tomorrow," I started walking off campus

"Uh uh, no you don't I'm coming with you," I turned around to see the beautiful purple-haired insomniac walking up to me.

Don't stutter, "W-what do you mean," Dammit

"I mean, Mr. Aizawa told me to come home with you to help you 'study," He said

"Does that mean we're friends now?" I asked excitedly

Shinso sighed, "Sure I guess you could say that," 

I jumped with excitement and threw my arm around him, "Well then come on let's go,"

"Seems like you're back to your normal peppy self," he said shoving his hands in my pocket

We got to my house and luckily my dad wasn't home, "So, you wanna take me to your room," Shinso said

My face turned bright red, "Huh"

Shinso blushed a little too but you could just barely see it, "You know to study," 

"Pfft, Yeah right. This way," I said starting to lead him down the hall  

"Hey, Denki," I turned around "Huh,"

"Where are all your kitchen knives," He asked walking behind me, I jumped at the question

"You'll see," I said opening the door to my room

We both entered my room and Shinso closed the door behind him.

He's in my room!

I pulled out a large bag from the depths of my closet, "This, is where all the kitchen knives are,"

"And why, are they in your closet," Shinso asked throwing his bag onto my floor, I shoved the bag back into my closet.

I flopped down on my bed, "So that when he comes home and takes his anger out on me, he can't stab me,"

"Wow, he really gets that angry," He asked

"Mmm-hmm," I said sitting up

"Can you tell me a bit more about your family," Shinso asked

"Uh sure," I said, "Well my mom and my sister moved away because my dad was abusing them too, they moved away but I chose to stay because I got into UA,"

"Ok, I have a plan," Shinso said, "Plan? What for?" I asked

"This plan may end up with you getting a little hurt, are you ok with that," He asked

"That's fine, I'm used to it," I said sliding off my bed and offering him a bottle of water

"I'll put small cameras up in your kitchen living room and when your dad pulls into the driveway I'll take one of the knives, for safety, and jump out the window," Shinso said, "Then I'll wait until I hear him start yelling, then I'll come in through the front door acting like I'm here to help you study,"

"This is pretty complex," I said

"I'm not done yet shhh," He said, "As I was saying your dad will probably ask me a question, I'll answer with a question to get him under my control. But before I come in I'll call Da-Mr. Aizawa so he will be here to help,"

"Ok, we are going to come back to that little slip-up later," I pointed out which made his cheeks tint pink, 

I grabbed the bag from my closet, "Take your pick,"

"He's almost here," I said getting a chill down my spine, "How do you know," Shinso asked

"Well, It's almost 4:27 and every day since I can remember he has come home at 4:30 exactly," I said, "And plus, he is extra mad today I can almost feel the bloodlust," 

I took a shaky breath, "Sh-Shinso I'm scared,"

He was almost halfway out of the window

"It's going to be ok, I promise,"

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