{38} An Old Tale

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There is a desperate look in Emma's eyes, "Please, tell us..," Alex couldn't really blame her for being so desperate to know. She had been wanting to know since they had found out the truth. How did all of this happen? When was it decided that humans would start to be raised just to be eaten by the things that they call demons? Did the demons just take over and that was when it happened? Or did the humans offer themselves up without a second thought? "What happened to humanity 30 years ago? What's going on with the world?"

"What could have happened in that time frame that would change the world into all of this?" Alex inquired. 30 years for the whole world to be changed completely? It seemed very unlikely, but that is what they think happened. How else could they explain the books in the library that were never published after 2015?

The silence after their questions in the room was defeating. Alex was starting to get worried about the answer that Sonju might offer up to them. Was it a lot worse than they originally thought? The worries had started to take over her mind as she thought of all of the possibilities. The answer Sonju gave them caught her off guard, "Nothing," This shocked all three of the kids. 'Nothing?' What did he mean 'nothing?' How could nothing have happened? "Nothing in particular. 30 years, eh... I have no idea how you came up with that number, but... The world has been like this for a long, long time."

"'A long, long time?'" Alex quoted. So the world was like this for a lot longer than they thought. They should have expected as much. She did think about how 30 years seemed too unlikely. Though that didn't explain how all of this came to be. If the world was like this for a long time then why were their books published during the time the world was this way? Everything was starting to become more and more confusing.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"Could it be that..," Ray trailed off in thought. Once he seemed sure of his hypothesis, he voiced it for the rest of us to hear, "This isn't earth at all?" That could be likely... Was that it? It would explain the book thing.

Emma looked back at him, "Huh?"

"If this planet isn't earth... It would explain the absurd biology we have been seeing-" Ray started to say. Sonju had cut him off by telling him that wasn't it. Alex was certainly confused now. Nothing was adding up. Ray went on with another theory, "The calendar, then? The dates were a lie, too? We're not in 2046 at all, but much-"

"Nay," Sonju cut him off again. The redhead was getting frustrated with the lack of answers they were getting. They were just being driven even further back than they originally were. All the ideas of what they had thought happened were getting turned down left and right. So what did happen? "We're on planet earth, yes, and precisely in the year of 2046. Well, according to a certain human reckoning, at least."

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