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"Cool jacket, where'd you get that?" Courtney nodded toward the jacket Miguel had hanging on his closet

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"Cool jacket, where'd you get that?" Courtney nodded toward the jacket Miguel had hanging on his closet.

"Oh, it's Sensei Lawrence's, but he let me borrow it for tonight." Miguel replied. "So what're you guys thinking for costumes?"

"Well, I'm going as Sam Baker and I'm making Moon go as a female Jake Ryan. She said we should go as hippies, but this is 80's themed, not 60's themed." Courtney answered.

"I'm not surprised." Miguel shook his head and dry laughed. "What about you guys?"

"Johnny and Baby form Dirty Dancing." Mason answered.

Nicole just nodded and played with her fingers.

Miguel noticed that she was upset, they all did, but he gave her a look.

"Listen, Nicole, I don't know if this helps, but he misses you. A lot. And I know he regrets what he did because first, he told me that, and second you can see it on his face. Anytime you're mentioned or brought up, there's this look of sadness that comes across his face. I may not know much about romance because I screwed up with your sister so bad, but I do know about this." Miguel convinced.

"Thanks, Miggy. Do you know who that girl was, though? From the other night?" Nicole asked.

"She's some girl from a private school that Ass-Face knows somehow. He told her about Hawk and they went out on one date, but nothing ever happened. He said he just didn't have a connection with her." Miguel explained.

Nicole nodded, trying not to let the smirk appear on her face.

"Now, are you gonna let this ruin your night or are we gonna have fun?" Courtney asked.

"Fun. I choose fun." Nicole nodded, still happy that Hawk couldn't find a connection with that girl.

"Good." Mason smiled.

The three then finished up at Miguel's house and made their way back to the LaRusso house to get ready.


They all walked into the roller skating rink together, Sam and Robby tagging along with them.

There was 80's music playing and voices all around, people already skating around or getting food.

Sam and Robby were dressed as Molly Ringwald and James Spader's characters from Pretty In Pink, which were Andie Walsh and Steff McKee.

"Gotta say, I wasn't sure about the costumes, but it's definitely nice not sneaking around." Robby mentioned to Sam.

"I still think you should be dressed like Andrew McCarthy for synergy." Sam replied.

"Or Duckie! I mean, he was just adorable." Courtney nodded.

"Yeah, but since he's so prideful about his hair, this was the only option." Nicole added.

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