Chapter Two

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"Dizznee! Stop goggling at Biana." Keefe said a little louder than Dex would have liked.

Dex shoved Keefe, "Stop that! She'll hear you."

"So? You want the girl to notice you." Keefe reminded him.

"Yeah, but not like that." Dex grumbled.

All of a sudden, Biana walked up to them.

Dex's whole body stiffened.

"Hi Keefe!" She turned to Dex, "Dex, right?"

Dex nodded, "Yep."

"Lovely! I'm Biana." She stuck her hand out for him to shake.

Dex nervously shook it, I hope my palms aren't sweaty. Oh they probably are.

"So, why aren't you with your gal-pals?" Keefe asked.

Biana tossed her hair, "No reason."

Ok. She's definitely hiding something. But I won't meddle.

"I just wanna hang out with you guys."

"Can't resist our devilishly good looks?" Keefe asked, smirking.

Biana laughed, "Maybe."

Dex blushed, "Hahaha, good one, Keefe."

"What do you mean?" Biana asked.

Dex froze, "Oh, uh, nothing."

Oh brother, this was gonna be a long year.

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