Dream World

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Y/N tied back their hair into an elegant bun/combed it out into a neat and tidy style, and posed in front of their mirror in a brand new white suit/dress. They smiled before walking out of their room. Juna stood in front of the door as if they were just about to come in. ''Oh!'' They began, ''you're ready, perfect. I got a little thing for you to put in your purse/pocket!'' They said excitedly, before handing you a sharp pocket knife. ''HUH-'' Y/N gasped. ''Come on just take it! Ya never know what that rats gonna do, you might be in a new soup!'' They teased. I glared at the and took the knife, then placed it in my pocket/purse. 

The Date


I smiled at Remy as we sat at a round table by a window overlooking Paris in a dimly lit vintage restaurant. After what I had done, I'm surprised.. Remy asked my out on a date! He took a sip of his wine then asked me a question, ''Are you enjoying this, my love?'' He smirked. I nodded my head, and took a bite of my hair. ''I um.. there's something I must tell you, Y/N.'' I looked up at his face. The smirk was gone, now his face was filled with sadness, fear and.. guilt? ''What is it Remy?'' I couldn't think it would be anything bad, but then.. is this it? Is he going to confess his love for me? It must have shown on my face, because he then broke the silence. ''Why do you look so happy? Listen, Y/N..'' I looked up at him again. ''I have a confession to make... about my food..'' I looked at him intensely. ''The secret ingredient-'' AM I FINALLY GOING TO FIND OUT?? I held in my excitement and stared right into his eyes. ''Is rats. Other rats, and, to be honest, one of them is your pet.'' What. The. Swear word. ''WHAT?!'' I took a deep breath after screaming. Ouch. ''How about we go for a walk so you can explain this to me.'' I said, tapping my pocket/purse to make sure the knife was still there. I turned us  farther and farther away from crowds of people until we got to an abandoned part of Paris, just outside the city. Then, I looked at Remy, and leaned towards his face, as if I was about to give him a little smoochie smooch. Then, I stabbed him. He let out a gasp and his very last fart, a little toot. A mixture of blood and pee engulfed his dead, cold body. I put it in a bag and made my way over to the fallen rat's once home, the restaurant that I never bothered to learn the name of. I placed his body in a pot and began mixing, then, eventually, I made a delightful soup. I called it, 'Remy's last message', its one of the most popular dishes we've ever sold...

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