But I Dont!

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Levi POV...

Damn it levi just pick a pair!

Yea but i never thought mikasa would have this kind of underwear... Lace underwear.

Levi it doesnt matter!

Just pick one!

Fine ill pick the red one. I grabbed the pair out of the drawer boushing as red as a tomato.

Now I think I understand how mikasa felt that night when I looked at her-

TOO MUCH DETAILS! I shook my head slowly.

"Tch. The last thing I need is a headache." I scolded to myself.

I heard the water go turn off in the bathroom and the door open. Color drained from my face.

There stood mikasa, with a towel wrapped around her body.

Her well built body. I shouldnt be thinking that... I have no clue whats going on with my mind.

I saw a hint of white thrown at my face.

"Damn it Ackerman!" I growled.

"Well you wasn't listening! You really need to stop staring out of space." She said shaking her head.

"Tch. Whatever. I'm sorry okay? But will you please stop throwing things at me?" I asked.

"Yea. Ok shorty." She chuckled.

"Tch. Don't call me that!" I clicked my tongue.

"Okay corpal." She winked at me abd felt a blush rising on my cheeks.

"Tch. Go put some clothes on before you catch a cold." I scolded her softly.

"Well I can't really dress with you in here. Unless you plan on watching me." She replied going to get her clothes.

I felt something going down my nose as I thought of the idea of watching her dress.

"Whatever brat." I said walking towards the door. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door.

Before I walked out I said "Oh and next time you take a shower, try to sing a little more quieter."

I turned around and finished "We don't people to think that you're screaming in pleasure or something."

I felt her blush behind me and chuckled before closing the door.

A/N: There ya go! Ok until next chapter! Bwyee!

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