Peter Needs Reassurance

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Chapter Notes: another short one. I promise these will get longish 

Peter walks through the elevator to be greeted by all (well most) of the Avenger sitting at the table eating pizza with large grins. Not exactly something you want to see. First Tony walks over and greets him in his usual 'tony' way. Harley pointedly asks him every question that doesn't involve the trip.

Then they ate and now finally Harley had to go with Clint to test out new hearing aids and Peter was alone with Tony.

"So, kid, I assume you know why Harley was performing 'Protocol-avoiding-topic'," Tony says.

"Yeah. science trip in here."

"And I know you're overthinking everything, like keeping your identity a secret, keeping everyone safe, and the technicals."

"Yeah, Harley said that we'd figure it out."

"Well, I already have. You will stay in your regular room, Ned and Mj are welcome as always. You can meet with your class at breakfast and go through the day with them. Once the day is over you can do what you normally would. Hand here, work on projects, and scout." Tony offers. "I've already handed in you and your friend slips."

"I knew you would." Peter smiled. "And thanks."

"No problem kid." Tony half-smiles. "Also Harley is your class guide," he says rushed last minute.

"This is both for ma and for you, isn't it. You can spy on my class but also didn't want anyone else to embarrass me."

"Actually I picked Harley because I knew he'd embarrass you the most and to spy. But I'm also letting Loki wonder, so your chances of getting away with anything are slim to none." Tony winked and clicked his tongue. Peter chuckled and stood up. "Kid, don't worry about security, ok? We're being very cautious and Happy to be with the class the whole time."

Peter smiled and walked out of the lab. He was still in his suit because Tony had him come through the lab's window after his rounds. He stopped when he saw Wanda, Harley, and Loki cuddle together on the couch. Wanda and Harley probably waited for him and fell asleep and Loki found them. He smiled and nudged Loki's shoulder lightly.

"Loki, it's me, Peter," he whispered.

"Oh, good," he said and in an instant, Peter was flashed to his room with Harley tucked in his bed and PJs in his hand. "Stark made those suits too techy, it messes with my magic so you'll have to change yourself," he said, making them tea.

"Thank you, Loki," Peter said, pulling on a t-shirt and taking a mug of tea.

"My pleasure," he says with a half-grin and vanishes. He smiles and shakes his head as he sits at his desk to do his homework and drink his tea.

Hours later the clock reads 1 am as Peter closes his textbook and slides into bed next to Harley. The other boy moves closer to Peter in his sleep and nestles his face in Peter's neck. Their breathing syncs, as well as their heartbeats. These are the sounds Peter's hyperactive sense focuses on. These are the sounds that lull Peter to sleep.







badly? like fr tho....idk it gets better further into the fic and storyline. 

leave a vote if you aren't wearing socks. 

and comment if you are. 

Chapter word count: 568

Fic word count: 2,541

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