Nightmare? Warning? Who knows

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Chapter Notes: dudeeeees another short one but ahahaha. foreshadowing that I didn't plan. 

Tony's body hates him. His mind hates him. Everything hates him. You know why? Because he had another nightmare. Not one about New York, not one about Ultron, not even one about Thanos. It was about Peter.

Peter's nightmares are the worst.

The scene flashes from that day Thanos snapped his fingers. One by one he watched everyone dust. It didn't even occur to him to look for Peter until he was already fading.

"M-Mr. Stark...i-i don't feel so good." Peter says, stumbling into Tony. "I-i don't wanna go. Please, Mr. Stark."

He kept repeating that. Then his last words ' I'm sorry.' like it was his fault. Peter vanished. Again. The scene dusts, fading into Peter and him standing in the lab. Peter's suit on the floor looking ripped and torn and dusted and dirty. People had found out who spider-man was. And Peter didn't feel safe. So he gave back all his suits and weapons and turNed in his badge. Looking at Tony in disappointment. Peter walked away from the compound dusting away again.

Tony shot up in a cold sweat and ran straight to his lad. He entered the code for all spider man's suits and started a program for Karen to detect if it's safe for peter to open his mask.

He re-adds more safety protocols.

He can't hurt any more children. He can't lose Peter a second time.

The next morning Harley finds him still in his lab working on a brand new suit for Peter, so it'll have more safety features but won't make peter feel like the first suit.

"Tony?" Harley calls. "Erm, FRIDAY says you've been up since 2."

"It's nothing kid," Tony says distracted while working on Peter's suit. 

"Oh, it's something. And if you don't tell me I'm calling Dr. Mayer and I'm going to show her whatever nightmare you had last night." Harley says. Damn kid, Tony really shouldn't have installed the dream recorder on his own bed.

"Fine," he says, stepping back from his work, near to angry tears. "Fine. I had a nightmare about Peter."

"Oh. you get those too?" Harley says. "Let me guess it's about disappointing him, not being good enough."

"Yeah.." Tony says, skeptical. "How'd you..."

"I'm dating Spider-man. It can be a lot. Worrying about him, wondering if he wouldn't be better off without me." Harley sits at one of the stools.

"I just...I can't let him die again." Tony breaths, barely above a whisper. "Every time I have a nightmare about Peter...I wake up and add whatever the nightmare was about to his suit. The one I can't give him. Because I know I'll forget something."

"Wow, you second guess yourself just because of Peter." Harley jokes. Tony doesn't laugh. "Sorry."

"It's fine, kid."

"I'll leave you but, for the record, it's nearly impossible to disappoint peter." with that Harley leaves. Tony sighs and takes a step away from his work table. He glances around and stops at a group of photos. One of Harley and Peter when they finally got together, one of just Tony with both boys and one with all three of them. He chuckled and sighed again. Harley is right, it's nearly impossible to disappoint peter. Tony hoped this was impossible for him to do.



I wish I could rant here but my life is basically writing, drawing, youtube, Minecraft, sims, movies. repeat. 

by movies I mean on Disney plus and also who is excited about the next TFATWS episode. 

we can all agree that bucky is a bi disaster, right? 

k byeeeeeeee

Chapter Count: 616

Fic Count: 3,155

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