Schools Out!

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Chapter Notes:

The last day of school is always great. Peter gets pack everything up and leaves, excited to spend the summer back and forth from his aunt May's apartment and the compound. And after talking with Tony and seeing how everything's going to be run when his class is there really helped him calm down.

In science class, Mr. Harrington made sure everyone had their packing list and a copy of the NDA rules. He also passed out visitor badges. After that, he came over to where Peter, Mj, and Ned were sitting and handed them envelopes with the Stark logo.

Dear kid,

I've already explained your situation to you and told your teacher.

We're ordering Chinese food for dinner.

-Tony Stark

Peter laughed and shoved the letter in his bag. Ned and Mj's were their variation of special situations.

"You know what I just thought about?" MJ said, "The shock looks on everyone's face when FRIDAY reads our badges."

"Ha, imagine the look on Flash's face." Nad smiled. Finally, the bell rang. Papers flew everywhere as herds of teens ran from their classes and out the doors. Some to buses, some to the train stop. Peter, Ned, and Mj were surprised when a sleek black car was parked in front of the school. Standing in front were Harley, King T'challa, and Princess Shuri.

"HARLS" Peter yelled, running down the steps.

"Right, and we're just normal people on the street?" Shuri says, smirking.

"Not to me," Mj says, hugging the princess from behind.

"Mr. Stark had us come early because of your school trip. After the two weeks, we shall all go back to Wakanda as planNed." T'Challa says, smiling. After greetings, the group quickly realizes why parking in front of the school was probably bad planning.

"How the hell do you three losers know the princess and king of Wakanda." Flash snarks. Peter stumbles, then hear a car door open and close.

"The same way Tony Stark has come to pick these three up from their last day of school," Tony says, buttoning his blazer. "Get in the car." He nods to everyone. "I look forward to seeing everyone who is coming on the science trip," Tony says to the student watching, then gets back into the car. Once everyone is in he tells Happy to drive them to the compound.

"You know I'm glad it's the last day of school because that would have been impossible to explain tomorrow," Peter says.

"Yes, though I think it will still be difficult to explain on your trip." T'challa laughs, "I don't suppose we could join the group?"

"Sure, I had no plan for them, just to explode their tiny teenage brains." Tony shrugged. "So yeah, let's add you two."

Everyone laughs.

Later at the compound Pepper shows Mj to her new room. And Bruce finally offers Ned his internship. Overjoyed of course he says yes and Bruce gives him an updated badge.

Tony takes Peter and the rest of 'the merry band of teens' (his words not Peter's) to the added area for his class. It looks like a hotel. A main lobby/living room and two floors with an individual suite for each person.

"Nice," Ned mutters under his breath.

"Every morning when each person wakes up they will have to fill out on the tablet in their room. It includes mental health questions and what their pronouns are. And when the class arrives they will answer a larger questionnaire for the whole visit." Pepper says, checking things off her clipboard.

"Awesome," Peter says. "Who got a spot?"

"Betty Brant, Chris Buongiorno, Zach Cooper, Tyler Corbyn, Brad Davis, Jason Ionello, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Kenneth Lim, Sue Lorman, Yasmin Monette, Peter Parker, and Eugene Tompson."

They all hide an amused smile at Flash's name.

"Who's the guide?" MJ askes. Harley smiles.

"Me," Harley says. My smirks and does the half-laugh she does,

"Nice on Mr. T."

They continue to look around the added visitors area and check the schedule. Tony clearly wrote it and clearly got lazier as the week went on. Peter didn't laugh when he saw the class would be training with Bucky and Steve.

Later after Ned goes home and Mj starts to get her room set up. The science group chat is buzzing with everyone excited to spend the week with the real avengers. MJ suggests they make a new one with the teachers and Harley so whale at the compound everyone has an easy way to ask a question.

And they do just that. Although Peter sees that Ms. Crane was added. She hates Peter's guts.

In the first group chat Flash types: excited to see your internship is all a big hoax.

Peter doesn't respond. But Mj dose: I'm more excited when you find out it's not and realize that you're just an idiot.

And with that Peter shuts off this phone and crawls into bed. Just before he shuts off the lights there is a knock.

"Hey, Harls."

"Hey..." Harley says, eyeing the empty spot on the bed.

"C'mon," Peter says. Harley closes the door and slides next to Peter as he clicks off the light. "Excited for tomorrow?"

"Hell yeah, your embarrassment, showing up Flash, Loki randomly scaring the shit out of everyone. It'll be great." Harley and Peter laugh.


brought to you by idk what. 

I'm currently writing Chapter 21. 


anyway. Does anyone have any idea how court proceedings work?

Chapter count: 904

Fic: 4,071

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