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3rd Person POV

    6 months had passed with no new lead on Bucky, which devastated Brooklyn slightly every time the trail went cold. Thor had gone back off world to search for the infinity stones, which made her nervous to think someone else wanted to find all of them. Clint had retired and was at home with his family, Tony was living his life with Pepper and would stop in here and there to check on everyone, and Banner was MIA. It was only her, Sam, Nat, Steve, Vision, Rhodey and Wanda living at the compound. She had gotten extremely close to Wanda during this time after being introduced to her the morning after she had gotten home. They would mostly train together and Brooklyn had taught Wanda how to harness her power correctly. They would also have sleep overs when they didn't have earlier morning training the next day, tonight was one of those nights. Brooklyn and Sam were in a small conference room going over their leads, when Sam had explained they were cold again. They were back to square one for the fourth time and Brooklyn was growing sad and frustrated. Sam noticed this and put a hand on her shoulder reassuring her that they would find him. She nodded and exited the room, she wanted to find Bucky but she was slowly losing hope of ever seeing him again. She went to her bedroom, changing into her pajamas, then heading down the hall to Wanda's room.

    They had already agreed that they would watch 'Finding Nemo', so Wanda had the movie and popcorn ready when Brooklyn arrived. Wanda noticed Brooklyn's depressed mood but figured she had just had a rough day. Half way through the movie Vision appeared floating through the wall and Wanda paused the movie, explaining that he needed to use the door and knock. Vision left after the short conversation which made Brooklyn laugh, turning to Wanda and asking

"What's going on with you two?"
"He's a sweetheart, he just doesn't understand certain things" Wanda sighed.
"No, I meant like are you dating him? Whenever we're not together, you're with him. It's kinda adorable" Brooklyn explained.
"I don't know... I do like him, I just think he might need more time to understand the world around him" Wanda replied a light blush on her cheek, "What about you? You don't have a little boyfriend you're keeping from me?" Wanda laughed as Brooklyn now blushed, only one person popping into her mind.
"Who's Bucky?" Wanda teased reading Brooklyn's mind.
"What did I tell you about reading my mind!" Brooklyn exclaimed throwing a pillow at Wanda.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to know, I shouldn't have pushed..." Wanda apologized.
"It's fine, sorry, I shouldn't have got so defensive. I—It's just that it's complicated, I mean we're not together what's so ever, that's not what I meant. But I haven't seen him in 6 months and I hate that I miss him, I hate that I have no clue where he is, and I hate that I'm losing hope of ever finding him" She confessed finally relived to get it off of her chest.
"Okay but who is he?" Wanda ask a little too excited that Brooklyn was sharing something so personal.

    Brooklyn had shared every detail of her life with Wanda except for Bucky. Sam was the only person who knew somewhat of how she felt about him, but she kept her true feeling to herself. Until now, she felt like she could trust Wanda, after making her promise to not tell anyone, especially Steve. She spilt every detail, who Bucky was, what had happened to him, how they met, and all about Glasgow.

    "So while we we're fighting a metal man, you were up in some hotel room with your own?" Wanda teased and Brooklyn shoved her slightly.
    "I told you nothing happened between us" Brooklyn laughed.
    "Yeah, but you woke up in his arms every morning. That means your comfortable with each other, whether you both admit it or not" Wanda said.
    "It's been 6 months, that doesn't mean he's comfortable with me now" Brooklyn justified.
    "I'm sure he is, the only reason you haven't found him is because he doesn't want to be found. Give him time, absence makes the heart grow fonder" Wanda said unpausing the movie.

𝙱𝙻𝚄𝙴 (𝙱𝚄𝙲𝙺𝚈 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂 𝚇 𝙾𝙲)Where stories live. Discover now