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Spoiler warning for TFATWS! Read at your own risk:)
Also there will be more swearing sorry...

3rd person pov

    The flight to Munich was very quiet to say the least. Bucky didn't speak a word to Brooklyn or Sam, it made her wonder why he wanted to come at all. She knew Bucky and Sam had always been civil for Steve, but why couldn't they try to get along now for her? Sam was one of the first people who knew about her feelings for Bucky and she had always told Bucky how Sam was like a brother to her. She knew if they actually tried they could be great friends, but it wasn't looking like today would be that day. Torres came in announcing to Sam that it was one minute until drop off, and Brooklyn noticed Bucky and Sam staring at each other. They began mimicking each other moves, then both walking over to get an ear piece. Brooklyn huffed, letting them know they we're both being childish and got her own ear piece. Bucky then ask what the plan was and continued to be grumpy when Sam didn't give him an answer. Sam then said, "Have a good ride, Buck", which caused Bucky to retaliate letting Sam know he couldn't call him that.

    Sam revealed he did have a plan, then jumped from the plane before speaking another word. Bucky ask Torres where the chutes were and found out they were too low to use one. Brooklyn offered for Bucky to jump with her so she could slow their momentum, but he said he could handle it himself. Brooklyn didn't argue, if he was going to play stupid games she would let him win his stupid prizes. Torres ask Bucky if he was sure about jumping and Bucky gave him a sarcastic grin muttering a "Yeah." Brooklyn rolled her eyes as he ripped the sleeve off of his jacket exposing his metal arm. Bucky jumped from the plane yelling, Brooklyn then promised Torres he was usually nicer and jumped herself. She hadn't really gotten to use her powers in the last 6 months, so she enjoyed the feeling of them radiating from her body as she fell thrrough the air. She landed gracefully on her feet to see Bucky laying on his back and hearing Sam tease him over the comms. Redwing then flew over causing Brooklyn to chuckle and Bucky threaten to break the android. Sam then informed both of them to move north. Brooklyn offered him a hand up which he took and they began jogging behind Redwing.

    "I know your mad at me, but I still love you" Brooklyn broke the silence. Bucky didn't care if he was an asshole to Sam, but he did care about the way he acted towards Brooklyn.
    "I love you, this is just hard for me" He breathed before they entered the building.
    "I know, we can talk about it later" She assured.

    The two entered the abandoned building with Redwing soaring close by, Bucky even tried swatting at the robotic pet causing Brooklyn to swat him. They met up with Sam, who told Bucky he was doing the 'staring thing' again, then motioned to where the Flag Smashers were. Bucky was eager to engage and they tried slowing him down, but he walked off.

    "Look at you. All stealthy." Sam chuckled, "A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther."
    "It's actually White Wolf" Bucky and Brooklyn both corrected.
    "Huh?" Sam responded.

    Bucky then confirmed he was inside and way ahead of them, but when he turned around Brooklyn and Sam were right next to him. The two men began to quietly bicker across Brooklyn causing her to remind them of the mission. Bucky then pointed out there were only two people and he has a vibranium arm, allowing Sam to counter with "She does weird stuff and I can fly, who gives a shit?" Sam then used Redwing to identify at least five more people, Bucky was still ready to engage causing Sam to grab him accidentally kicking the shelve they were hiding behind. The group looked around but quickly evacuated the building leaving in their semi trucks. Sam then identified an eighth person, saying he thought it might be a hostage. That was all Bucky needed to hear, then he bolted and Brooklyn and Sam exited right behind him both flying. Sam signaled for Brooklyn to stay with him while Bucky entered the truck. Once he entered he told them the group was stealing vaccines, and that he found the hostage. When Brooklyn heard Bucky yell she took off leaving Sam behind, as she approached she saw someone in a mask break Redwing and flew down kicking them. As Brooklyn began fighting she settled just for her super strength, seeing as these people were just strong. After the person punched Brooklyn in her face, she stopped playing so nice and used her powers push them back towards Sam and he kick them when he landed. Brooklyn went to help Bucky when the helicopter containing John Walker and his partner arrived.

    "You've gotta be shitting me!" Brooklyn swore as her eyes began glowing.

    He jumped onto the truck throwing the shield and taking the redhead down and his partner joined him.

    "Sam, John Walker, Captain America" He introduced himself.
    "Lemar Hoskins" His partner said also introducing himself.
    "Looks like you guys can use some help" John said.
    "Oh, fuck off" Brooklyn muttered.

    The fighting resumed, Brooklyn taking on another masked person. She was getting some good hits in when she heard Bucky yell then fall down the side of the truck.
    "Buck!" She yelled, and the masked person punched her causing her to stumble back. She regained her balance and used her powers to fling the person into the forrest next to them. When she looked over Bucky and Sam were rolling through a field, so she exited the fight to regroup. She landed just as they stopped rolling to see Bucky laying on top of Sam, the sight made her cackle.

    "Go ahead, kiss and make up. I'd think we'd all feel better" Brooklyn was bent over with laughter as the two men separated and ignored her comment.
    "Those were all Super Solider's" Bucky panted.
    "I know" Sam agreed.

The trio began walking down the road, Bucky began to apologize for what happened to Redwing. Sam started joking about seeing the gears in Bucky's cyborg brain turning, when Bucky turned the conversation back to the serum. Brooklyn was wondering how after 80 years there were eight Solider's running loose. John and Lemar approached in the back of an Army Jeep, honking their horn at the trio. Brooklyn rolled her eyes as John walker opened the door for them to get in, the three kept walking. The Jeep continued to drive slowly as John Walker spoke to the trio implying that they were working together. Brooklyn and Bucky were the first to speak up saying that wouldn't be working together and John tried reasoning when Bucky spoke.

"Just 'cause you carry that shield, it doesn't mean you're Captain America" Bucky said.
"Look, I've done the work, okay?" John countered.
"You ever jump on top of a grenade?" Bucky shot back.
"Yeah. Actually, I have. Four times. It's a thing I do with my helmet. It's a reinforced helmet" Walker explained, Brooklyn laughed loudly at the man not understanding Bucky's reference.
"That's cute..." Brooklyn giggled, then got serious. "Have you fought Thanos twice?" Without giving Walker time to answer Brooklyn continued, "We have."
"Look, its 20 miles to the airport. You guys need a ride" Walker changed the conversation. He then told the driver to stop the Jeep again, opening the door for the three. After the trio got in Brooklyn sat in between Bucky and Sam, right in front of John Walker. He started talking about the serum and how they tracked them through Redwing, which lead to him mentioning that he and Lemar were government. John reached out grabbing Brooklyns hand gaining her attention, then leaned forward.

"And after this is all taken care of... maybe you and I could keep working together" Walker smirked then winked at Brooklyn. She snatched her hand back with a blank expression using her powers she pushed him back in his seat. He grunted as his back slammed against the seat, If Bucky's looks could kill Walker would be dead.
"Hit on me again and the next thing coming out of your mouth will be your teeth" Brooklyn seethed, "Don't touch me again or you won't have hands." John looked from Bucky to Sam.
"Does he always just stare like that?" Walker asked Sam referring to Bucky.
"You get used to it, but not hitting on his girlfriend helps" Sam chuckled. Walker and Lemar carried on the conversation explaining what the GRC does, causing Sam to ask why exactly the two of them were there. Lemar explained the GRC provided the resources and they kept things stable. Walker once again tried getting the trio to join his team.
"No" Bucky cut him off.
"I got mad respect for the three of y'all, But you were kinda getting your asses kicked until we showed up" Lemar spoke.
"I don't think you understand how powerful I am, but we're not trying to kill anyone" Brooklyn scowled.
"Who are you?" Bucky dead-panned looking at Lemar.
"Lemar Hoskins" Lemar informed.
"Look, I see a guy hanging out of a helicopter in tactical gear, I need a lot more than Lemar Hoskins" Sam replied.
    "I'm Battlestar, John's partner" Lemar said, Brooklyn tried to hide her laugh.
    "Battlestar? Stop the car!" Bucky yelled, Brooklyn's laugh escaped her lips. The car stopped and Bucky got out as John spoke.
    "Look, I get it, okay? I get the attitude, I do. You didn't think the shield was gonna end up here. I get it, Bucky" John yelled as Bucky was walking away. Brooklyn moved to exit the vehicle when Walker continued, "And I'm not trying to be Steve. I'm not trying to replace Steve."
    "Good, because you can't" Brooklyn hissed the turned to walk away, "Wait up, Buck!"

A/N- also, im working on another Bucky story and im so excited about it, but dont worry it wont be posted until this story is finished:)

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