Chapter 2

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( Willow won so she will be the the last girl added to the harem.

The girls here are.

Blake ( later)

And honestly Willow would hurt Ironwood and Jacques.

One she can take the company back. And Ironwood won't be able to get the amount the dust he usually gets for a cheap price.

Anyway on to the story.)

- Dust Away -

A man in a business suit dust himself off and tighten his tie and smiled.

He got out of his limo and knocked on your store door.

Neo walked to the door and open it.

???: Oh Hello ma'am. Is Mr.L/N home?

Neo nods and let him in.

???: Can I see him?

Cinder: That depends.

She came out of the living room and into the store room.

Cinder: Who are you?

???: I'm Andrew Lander. I own the local bank around here. It nice to meet you and you are?

He offered to shake her hand which she accepted.

Cinder: I'm Cinder. One of Y/N Girlfriends.

Andrew: Oh your Y/N Girl?

Cinder: One of them. That girl who let you in is Neo she one of them as well.

Andrew: How many does he have?

Cinder: Hmmm let see 1..2....4. He has 4.

Andrew: Whoooo talk about a handful no offense.

Cinder giggles something unlike her.

Cinder: None taken. I thought most Bank owners don't talk to their clients.

Andrew: Oh I'm an old friend. I used to be his father partner before he passed away 5 years ago.

Cinder: I hope your here with good news.

Andrew: I wouldn't call them he home?

Cinder: Pyrrha can you wake up Y/N? I will continue Breakfast.

Pyrrha nods and walked upstairs.

Andrew: Her too?!

Cinder nods and walked to the kitchen to continue Breakfast.

Pyrrha opened your door to see you sleeping and your room was a mess Kinda like your life until they became your girls which was yesterday.

She smiled and kissed your cheeks gently shaking you.

You groan and opened your eyes turned to her.

Pyrrha: Time to get up. Someone here to see you. A businessman.

Y/N: Businessman....Andrew?

She gets up and let you get dress as she walked down stairs seeing Andrew eating some breakfast and seeing Roma hiding as she was still wanted.

Andrew: Mmmm that was good. You girls are good cooks.

Neo smiled.

Cinder: Why thank you. We do try.

Pyrrha: He getting ready.

Andrew: Ok...I hate to be the one to tell him this.

They looked confused as you walked downstairs.

Rejected to True love (Rejecting Team Rwby x Depressed Male Reader x small haremWhere stories live. Discover now