Wingman [2]

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Maya opened Chloe's door only to quickly close it, only for Lucifer to catch it with his foot.

"I've been thinking," Lucifer said.

Maya crossed her arms as Lucifer entered Chloe's place. "I want to hear you say it first,"


"It's not every day the Devil comes asking for your help,"

"Well, it seems you already spoke for me..."

"About what?"

"You're enjoying this aren't you?"

"Very much so," Maya smirked.

"Fine. I need your help finding my angel wings,"

"Now was that so hard?" Maya teased.

Chloe came into the room and looked at Maya "Did you really put out an APB for...angel wings?"

Lucifer looked over at Maya in amusement.

"Maybe," Maya shrugged.

"Well, it looks like they got a hit," Chloe admitted.

"Excellent!" Lucifer marveled "Right, my turn,"

Chloe looked at Maya "Do I even want to know?"

"No." Maya admitted "But I can assure you I have it under control,"

"You better, I've got enough on my plate as is, with the Palmetto case,"


Maya looked over Lucifer's shoulder as they looked at the picture of Lucifer's wings "I still can't believe it that the wings are..."

"Real? Exquisite? Divine?" Lucifer teased. "It's okay to say it,"

"I was gonna say, 'For sale'." Maya looked over at the agent in charge of the case "So, anything else the FBI can tell us, Agent Pitts?"

"The wings...along with a bunch of other crap people think is real...are being pawned off at a black-market antiquities auction," Agent Pitts explained.

"An auction?" Lucifer asked.

"Held under the veil of a charity event at Crimson Hall," Agent Pitts continued.

"Saints' teeth?" Lucifer read off "Holy napkins? Oh, a piece of the cross? They've got my wings in absurdly fraudulent company. Putting my wings on the block like some chintzy accouterment,"

"All right," Maya said as she took the tablet away.

"Well, you can take comfort knowing the auction's already set to be raided tonight," Agent Pitts informed.

"So the FBI is gonna snatch my wings?" Lucifer asked.

"When we get a chance to pounce on the bad guy, we take it,"

"The FBI is taking lead," Maya said.

"Figured you might be after the same guys. And we have jurisdiction,"

"Okay, so how do we get the wings back?"

"After the raid? As long as you can prove the wings' provenance, you'll get it back in 30 days. No problem,"

"30 days," Maya echoed.

"Yes, no problem, no problem at all," Lucifer said.

Agent Pitts walked away and Maya huffed.

"You're gonna make me put on a dress again aren't you?"

"Mm-hmm," Lucifer said shortly.


Maya fidgeted with the dress that she was wearing as she followed Lucifer to the auction. She stopped when Lucifer grabbed her hand "Stop fidgeting, you look fine," Lucifer said.

Lucifer stopped walking and chuckled "Come on out, Amenadiel,"

Maya felt herself want to shrink, knowing full well that she was in the presence of another angel.

"So what happened to going at it alone," Lucifer wondered "lying in my own mess and such? Or did you just want a front-row seat to the action?"

"I assure you, Lucifer, I take no pleasure in following you around. But this is far too important to let you screw up,"

"Ah, so you just came to help? Well, I'm afraid that position has already been taken,"

"I came to ensure the wings get back to where they belong,"

"Which is where exactly?"

"You mean besides on your back?"

"Oh, surely, my fine-feathered friend, you don't expect that to happen,"

Amenadiel stopped Lucifer "They belong in the Heavens where they were created. If you don't want them, that's where they'll be,"

"Fair enough,"

Maya decided to step in "Lucifer, need I remind you that we're on the clock here,"

Amenadiel raised an eyebrow upon seeing Maya "What do you mean?"

"The FBI's raiding the place. So if we don't get the wings...well I'm sure you get the picture already,"

"Well, we can't let that happen,"

"Right, so you can join," Lucifer said "Provided, of course, you can keep that angelic ego of yours in check,"

Maya scoffed "Please, Lucifer, everyone knows that if anybody has an's you,"

The trio reached the front doors of the auction.

"Hello," Lucifer greeted.

"Private party," The guard said.

"Yes, excuse me, I understand this event is very exclusive. But, uh, surely you've got room for just three more?" Lucifer handed the guard some cash.

"Unless you got business here, scram,"

"It's funny you should say that, actually. Perhaps I do have something that might interest those keen on religious relics," Lucifer took out a coin and showed it to the guard and to the security camera.

The guard received a message through his earpiece "Right this way, gentlemen, ma'am,"

"Thank you." Lucifer looked over at his brother "Did you catch all that?"

Maya shook her head "And you angels thought my family issues were bad,"

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